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Full Name:
Son of the Bear, Bear Boy
Primal Guardian
"Rise" by Fame On Fire
A young warrior who was believed by his people to have been born from the union of his mother and the Bear God. His ability to Spirit Walk across the land and beyond led him to find strange wonders.


Brave: Omwok was raised in a culture in which he was expected to be brave im the face of adversity, but not brash to foolishness.



Omwok was born to a primitive culture on a primitive world. Despite this, his culture has a rather complicated social system. For one, males and females don't live in the same villages or encampments. One of the young women came back from berry picking with an incredible story. She claimed that a manifestation of the Bear God came to her and she succumbed to his virility. Her partner corroborated the story, saying she witnessed it from her hiding place. So Omwok was born under the impression that he was the Son of the Bear. His mother was honored in her clan and he was honored by being adopted by the chieftain of the women's male counterpart clan.

But while his mother and her friend lied about what happened, there was magic about the man who fathered Omwok. And Omwok manifested some magical traits as he grew from child to youth.

The Road Ahead

Despite his supposedly divine heritage, Omwok wasn't given any special treatment as far as the hierarchy was concerned. He had to earn his place as a hunter and then again as a warrior. He held the high honor as sentinel until he disappeared, having his first Spirit Walk and being guided by his subconscious through the worlds to find his place.

Omwok proved to be quite adaptable, finding places of high magic and others of advanced technology, some places middle in both and others as primitive as his own world. Among the amazing multiverse of worlds, he seeks his place as a young warrior who has had to learn that fighting is not all that life holds for him.+