Old Rail Station

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The Old Port-Au-Feu Rail Station
Holdfast of the Autumn Knight

The original Port-Au-Feu railway station was active during the Twentieth Century, but by the millennium the rail lines had become less active and Port-Au-Feu's needs and the layout of the city had begun to change. The railway station has been sold several times, and most recently, some years ago fairy knight-errant Rey Devoss purchased it to establish a personal Holdfast there. Rey has frequently offered hospitality or refuge to those in need, and the station has come to serve in much the same stead as the castle of a knight of old. More recently, Autumn's holding in town, the Sylvan Court, has become a more frequent place for Rey, as the local representative of the court, to entertain them.


Outside, the building is a squarish edifice of white stone, all classic columns, arched windows, and ornate touches. Beyond the grand entrance porch and double doors, it opens into an expansive central hall with a vaulted, arched ceiling supported by walls of similarly arched windows, each made up of many small rectangular panes. Everything is made up of stonework, the floors polished to a gleaming shine. Various kiosks along the edges of the room, formerly ticket booths and small shops, have been converted into various personal home conveniences, while doors all along the outside open onto the now-closed train platforms, outside. Stairwells at the corners of the room lead both upstairs and down into the underground, while the center of the chamber is dominated by a large, lit standing clock that faces in all four cardinal directions.
