Nuri Kim

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Full Name:
Nuri Kim
College Kid/Street Mage
OC (None)
Nuri is a college kid, freelancing as a magical investigator on the side. What started as a hobby investigating weird and magical occurrences, objects, and places became a source of income for him and the impetus for his studying to become a private detective. Having discovered his abilities in grade school, now he possesses a decent level of competence, as well as a desire to learn more.


Nuri is a calm young man, observant and studious. He is thorough in his work and has earned high grades all through school, much to his parents' pride. Magic, however, changed that. While they have a dream of him becoming a doctor, lawyer, or research scientist of some sort, neither of them know about his magical powers or his double life as a trouble shooter. Faced with the raw creative chaos of magic, Nuri has become a little less stable and predictable himself, now driven to explore and learn more about the supernatural world that coincides with the mundane world. His main problem is that, while he understands his limitations, he has no idea just how far magic can go. This is why he sometimes ends up in the deep end of the pool, surrounded by supernatural creatures, stuck in a magical trap, or at the mercy of someone/thing that got the drop on him. To his credit, however, he does bring his critical thinking skills with him on these adventures, learning as he goes, and by now he isn't easily fazed by strange things. Or if he is, he's very good at not letting on!

Another facet of Nuri's personality is his honesty, especially when on a job. He takes his work and explorations very seriously and, despite several times when he could have benefitted from the results of his investigations unfairly or withheld important information of relics, he has always walked the moral high ground. This has earned him some respect among the supernaturals that know of him as well as the nickname "True".


Nuri is a Korean College student that discovered his knack for tapping into and working with different types of magic in grade school while playing a particular card game. Early pranks and experimenting got him into occasional trouble, but in time he also became aware of the supernatural community around least those aspects that weren't too secretive. As he got better, he started getting job offers for investigating unusual occurrences, places, or objects for pay and favors. One such favor is that his college tuition is paid for, and he is planning a career as a private detective. Meanwhile, he tries to keep his powers to himself and behave like the average college kid, getting into the kinds of trouble that entails.

As for his magic, Nuri is still a beginner, although he has developed some decent skill in some areas. While he can sense mana threads reliably, he has yet to figure out how to use multiple threads in dual or triple mana workings. The closest he's discovered is the Mana Flip, but that has its own consequences due to his lack of experience and needing more stamina when running mana energies through his body.