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Full Name:
Marvel Boy
Explorer, Peacekeeper
Young Adult
Extradimensional Kree hero, Noh-Varr was genetically engineered to be an essential part of an elite team of explorers and preservers of peace. Things went sideways, and now he's taking his time to appreciate his love of music and Earth culture. It's bound to keep him busy for a little while!


Noh-Varr is pretty easy to like, although some will find him more sympathetic than others. He can be grandiose at times, in both speech and actions, just as he can be remarkably accessible and down-to-earth. He is highly sentimental and possesses what might be called an artistic temperament, and he is also highly individualistic and resents authoritarian attempts to suppress that distinctiveness. A bit of a free spirit, he is highly honest with both himself and those he trusts about his feelings and affections. He recognizes his own youth and realizes that he is young and should take time to figure out who he is, what he wants, and who he can be with in his life, even though at times this brings him into conflict with his contemporaries. Under it all, he's a very sensitive and kind, creative individual who carries a great deal of hurt and damage with him, but he tries to deal with it as best he can.


A genetically-engineered member of the Kree race in another dimension, Noh-Varr joined a diplomatic peacekeeping group of interdimensional explorers. After a disastrous run-in with cosmic beings, their ship was lost amongst the layers of the multiverse, emerging over ours. The insane Dr. Midas managed to shoot the ship down, leaving Noh-Varr the only known survivor.

Noh-Varr was far from pleased at this turn of events and set out intent on avenging the tragedy. This, however, brought him into conflict with SHIELD, who similarly employed a genetically-engineered squad of artificial superhumans. Noh-Varr defeated them, but he almost immediately was captured by the Exterminatrix, who happened to be Midas's daughter. She had a change of heart, especially after Dr. Midas sent a Mindless One in his keeping against the two of them.

After they united to defeat it, they had to confront Midas himself, who had used the cosmic ray drive on the Marvel to transform himself into the Cosmic Man. Again the two combined their power to stop him, in part using the Mindless One to spell Midas's doom as the Cosmic Man, sending him into another dimension filled with other Mindless Ones. Exterminatrix then betrayed Noh-Varr, but he was able to escape the encroaching forces of SHIELD with the last of the Marvel's power.

Since then, he has occupied himself repairing the Marvel's systems and getting Plex back online and restored to a fuller ability to function.