That's a natural kind of formation! Living things, moving in concert. We should welcome them, help them on their way! |
— Himself |
Noble Sauvage is a space wanderer, seeking opportunity to help others and elevate them to his own society's advanced heights. With his advanced ship Beloved, he considers himself a child of the stars, intent on bringing light to the universe's darkest corners.
Noble was born and raised in the largely communal society of his rather advanced homeworld, with little incident to disrupt his earlier years. After comprehensive studies of a wide range of scientific topics, he decided that he would like to try exploration and enrichment of all people through furthering knowledge. With further studies and preparation, he paired well with his ship, Beloved, which was designed from the start for Noble to use.
They have plunged eagerly into their adventures, all across the galaxy. In the time since he has become a fully-fledged explorer, Noble has catalogued hundreds of items on largely unexplored worlds or unexplored areas, as well as meeting many interesting people, some explorers like himself!
While his people tend to be very peaceful, Noble was nonetheless trained before setting out on his adventure. He is capable of using a wide variety of weaponry, though his approach and technique tends to be defensive, most of all. He is a crack shot with some projectile weapons, and he is pretty good with holographic and laser-based weaponry such as light swords and light shields.
As are most all of the people on Noble's homeworld, Noble is well-trained in first aid and field medicine. He is also usually able to identify and use things on hand to make the best of a situation. Of course, he is able to work with Beloved or any intelligent ship or computer in order to perform more advanced and difficult medical feats.
Noble can pilot not only Beloved (including manual direction if needed), but a wide range of vehicles, especially spacecraft. He's excellent at astronavigation and highly adaptable.
Science - Competent Level
A more than able scientist, Noble understands a range of different fields of study. Naturally, one of his strongest areas of expertise is in spacecraft and tech in general. He is able to maintain a ship of Beloved's type, as well as many more primitive vessels, and he is able to tinker, often successfully, with other forms of tech. He understands a number of planetary sciences, which he applies in his research and catalogue of plants and animals and other things of interest he has encountered on his journey.
Power: Empathy - Basic Level
Some of the people of Noble's homeworld are more sensitive to the emotions of others, in a way that extends beyond simple recognition and perception from the regular senses. He regularly understands emotional output from others, though it's most often easiest to receive from non-human life, since humans tend to be complex and easy to misunderstand. Noble occasionally gets impulses of the emotional states of others, and it can help him from time to time when attempting to relate to others.
Power: Sturdy - Enhanced Level
Noble has a tremendous stamina and is not as easily tired as an average human. His sturdiness allows him to go longer and do more demanding tasks than most, and this extends to his physical toughness as well; he is a little harder to injure than the average, and he bounces back more quickly. Mentally and emotionally, he is able to withstand things that others might find daunting or even torturous, with far less personal trauma and stress.
Tech: Wristbox - Enhanced Level
Noble always wears a wrist unit, typically on his right arm, which has a number of functions. They include a personal force field, which can protect him against hostile environments, including the vacuum of space; a translator connected to Beloved's own comprehensive intellect that can learn quickly and translate in real time; deflector beams that can help movement in low and zero-gravity environments or rebuff physical advance; holographic projection and interactivity; illumination; and more, limited only by the creativity of Noble and Beloved and the capabilities of the technology.
Besides the high level of protection the unit offers, it also allows Noble to keep in constant communication with Beloved, across virtually any distance.
Noble has a number of allies and friends around the galaxy, as well as being fairly well-connected on his homeworld. If in a pinch, he could call on a number of them and be assured of whatever assistance they could offer.
Beloved is an extremely advanced space vehicle, with a remarkable intelligence of his own. Beloved is outfitted with some of the most advanced interstellar travel technology in the known universe. Beloved is capable of communication over tremendous distances, like most ships of his kind. Beloved is capable of point-to-point matter transportation and has advanced processes dedicated to making it as safe and stable as possible.
Beloved is largely a defensive craft, though he is equipped with some impressive weapon technology. Most of his armaments, however, are focused in disabling a potential hostile force's capabilities to be hostile. He is outfitted with shields and systems that protect of course against stellar radiation and other harmful forms, control the climate to an ideal temperature at all times possible, and naturally weaponfire. He is further equipped with deflector technology and a tractor beam, with functions broader than the standard variety.
The interiors of Beloved are easy to reconfigure and change the decor, especially with his help. He is designed for comfort and safety.
A fellow adventurer from Noble's own homeworld, Clovi is more affluent than Noble. Often wanting to keep Noble up to date on the latest, most eye-catching advancements, he turns up from time to time to share his bounty with his friends. He is a bon vivant, and accordingly, his ship named Pomme is a newer design lander dome, able to settle on the surface of most worlds and make itself stable and secure with ease. He also has a number of personal care robots, such as the Pleasure Friends line robot Pudding.
There are those in the universe who are not so peaceful, and whose goals do not involve enlightenment, progress, tolerance, enrichment, or culture. Most especially the unscrupulous Empire Galactic, but not limited to those threats, these forces will always be in opposition to Noble and people like him. His philosophy can bring him into direct opposition with those who do not possess his people's values.
Though he is not strictly or fully pacifistic, Noble grew up on a world where peaceful means were the preferred way, and the most widely-used one, to resolve any conflict. This can put him at a disadvantage dealing with less scrupulous or more manipulative, violent foes, as he does not always consider those approaches first and tends to at least try to deal with his foes in a more reasonable manner.