Noble Sauvage

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Full Name:
Noble Sauvage
Young Adult
"Ce garçon est une ville" - Pomme
Quote-open.png That's a natural kind of formation! Living things, moving in concert. We should welcome them, help them on their way! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Noble Sauvage is a space wanderer, seeking opportunity to help others and elevate them to his own society's advanced heights. With his advanced ship Beloved, he considers himself a child of the stars, intent on bringing light to the universe's darkest corners.


Noble was born and raised in the largely communal society of his rather advanced homeworld, with little incident to disrupt his earlier years. After comprehensive studies of a wide range of scientific topics, he decided that he would like to try exploration and enrichment of all people through furthering knowledge. With further studies and preparation, he paired well with his ship, Beloved, which was designed from the start for Noble to use.

They have plunged eagerly into their adventures, all across the galaxy. In the time since he has become a fully-fledged explorer, Noble has catalogued hundreds of items on largely unexplored worlds or unexplored areas, as well as meeting many interesting people, some explorers like himself!