Nico Delora

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Full Name:
Nicolai Alexandre Delora
Undiscovered Mage & Seer
OC (None)
Policeman's Son, High School Student & Trouble Magnet.


Nicolai is outgoing, friendly and easy to get along with. He is a social young man who is also interested in computers and science and prefers logical scientific explanations over unrealistic beliefs like superpowers or the occult. While not really interested in sports he does enjoy dancing and acrobatics as forms of excercise. He also has terrible luck and a curious streak that could very well land him in all kinds of trouble.


The only child of a policeman by the name of Lukas Delora, Nicolai was given his name by his mother Amelia. Three years later she mysteriously disappered and left her husband and son behind. Lukas thinks she was kidnapped but Nicolai has over time come to believe she simply abandoned them. However Nicolai's name wasn't the only thing he gained from his mother.

Ever since he was little he has had strange and vivid dreams that could easily be called visions, ice and wind react to his moods in a subtle fashion that grows more noticable each year. Still other than some half hearted research into the occult Nicolai doesn't believe that his problem could be anything like magic. But thats what it is. He was born with it, his mother being an Elemental of the North, a being of ice and wind from another plane of exsistance. Nicolai's dream visions however come from another source, a blessing of the God Morpheus who gifted the boy in an attempt to gain more attention from the mortals.

However Nicolai is too much of a realist to accept these gifts as what they are currently. He goes to school, studies, hangs out with friends, and tries not to be awkward when it comes to dating. Though having a dad who is a police officer and a case of horribly bad luck means very little actually goes to plan for this young man.