Nick Errant

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Full Name:
Nick Errant
Crew/Stowaway on The Artful Venture
OC (None)
Quote-open.png I didn't do it! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Nick is a bratty former stowaway, now member of the crew on The Artful Venture. He's constantly getting himself in and out of trouble both with the crew and in general.


Brat. Smartass. Those two words sum Nick up. He's constantly pushing the limits and saying and doing things he knows he shouldn't because they seem like fun. This often gets him into trouble which again he manages to turn into fun somehow. Despite his hard upbringing he is surprisingly playful and fun loving.


Nick was born to another name. One he doesn't remember, to a mother who lived in the urban sprawl of a planet somewhere. She worked as a server in a bar, and barely made ends meet. At some point in his early childhood he happened to be up when someone approached her about acquiring her son from her. And he was gone that night before the interested party could obtain him. He stowed away on some ship and was caught, but merely thrown out at the next port. He fell into a group of other street kids, and that started Nick's new life. He got his name from how he nicked things for his friends and always got out of trouble in the "Nick" of time. He grew up learning from those on the streets, but always managed to be in the right place at the right time and made some amazing scores. Sometimes instead of items, what he got was training, or just happened to be away when the authorities raided.

One day after a successful con job Nick had been on his way back to his current little gang of urchins when he got the urge to stop last second, and saw the entire group get busted by cops. This wasn't the first time he'd been the lone survivor and he did what he's always done. He ran trusting to his luck and instinct, to the docking bay and overrode the security on the hatch for the first ship that felt right. That ship's name was The Artful Venture.