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The Sylvan City
Elven City

Mithalu is the central settlement of Sylvania. An elven city build largely amongst the treetops of the sylvan woods or "milkwood," it is a popular place among visitors to Sylvania. While many elves live in homes or even tree-palaces, scattered among the woodland wherever they like, many outsiders are accustomed to some form of city living. Mithalu offers the sylvan version of this, arranged around a number of very large trees, joined by networks of walkways and bridges, as well as spiraling steps that follow the trunks of the trees down to the forest floor, allowing easy passage between different levels of the city.

Renowned for its various naturalistic wares, Mithalu offers the finest woodwork known in the world. Sylvan ironwood is every bit as strong and durable as most steel, and it also floats. The artistry and skill of elvish woodcraft is legendary, whether for art pieces, furniture, bows, or other goods. Another major export from Mithalu is sylvan elf leather, which differs strikingly from other forms in that it is made entirely from plant sources. Using techniques entirely unknown outside of Sylvania, the elves of Mithalu can create material virtually indistinguishable from conventional leather using nothing more than natural fibers and the fallleaves of the milkwood trees, which are gathered en masse every autumn.

Concealed by powerful magics, Mithalu is only easily found by those whom are deemed friendly. Visitors are certainly quite common, but they are only welcome so long as they respect the ways of the locals, lest they find themselves lost in the woods and far away from any sign of the city. Magical concealment is not the only form of shelter the city has. Mithalu also exists entirely beneath the branches of the ancient and massive Ithil Tree, the base of which is located just a short distance north of the city. Its branches stretch far and wide across the surrounding woodland. The tree itself is a sacred site for the elves of Sylvania, often used as a meeting place and site of various ceremonies. West of the Ithil Tree lies Silvermoon Pond.