Micah Campbell

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Full Name:
Micah Aaron Campbell
A Self-Taught Witch
Micah is a young and self-taught witch who has come to Beacon Hills chasing his destiny. He believes the Fates send him out to do ...something. They don't provide orientation manuals, people. While is family and community back home kept him politely but firmly at arms-length because of his differences, he's hoping to actually make friends do some good in the world. Or just graduate college with a degree in history. One or the other.


Micah is a cheerful, almost manic at times, young man. He absolutely loves uncovering a mystery or chasing down a bit of trivia, mundane or magical. He's inquisitive, sharp as a whip, and a little theatrical. And all of that is a really good distraction from the fact that he is profoundly lonely and feels distinctly unloveable. Having one's family politely, kindly but firmly telling you that you're permanently exiled is rough. Sure, he's financially secure, but that doesn't make up for losing his relatives, even if they were distant to him growing up. Micah has abandonment issues and uses distancing techniques to try to get others to give him space, afraid to get hurt again. On the other hand, he has a strong need for companionship and a kind of almost over the top loyalty to those people he likes (even as he tries to keep from getting too close). That makes him a good friend, but one who is really hard to pin down with questions as simple as 'how are you feeling?' and 'why are you dancing around your backyard naked, waving burning sage overhead?'


Born outside of Ames, Iowa, Micah was raised on a farm and had a pretty idyllic childhood up to the point of puberty. His parents were hard working people, with his dad Joshua a full-time farmer and his mother, Andrea (Andi) a teacher and part-time farmer herself. Micah was the youngest of five children and was always a bit of an odd-man out. The rest of his family were down to earth, practical folks and Micah was always, even as a small child, something of a dreamer.

There were a few hints that Micah was something special before he hit puberty. Once, when he fell into a river "swimming hole" while his older siblings were supposed to watch him, he spent a good ten minutes underwater, with no apparent ill-effects. He just slipped under the surface and was eventually found hugging a rock on the bottom of the river. When asked why, he explained that he was "listening." Another time saw Micah, sick of being cooped up in the house over a long, rough winter, declaring that "spring is here!" And sure enough, there was a day of 70 degree temperatures and bright sun. But only over the Campbell family farm. And in February.

But the true signs of how different Micah was didn't start until he was about thirteen. Around that time, all hell broke loose. Dishes would go flying across the kitchen with nobody near them, rattles and thumps would sound in an attic that nobody even went near except at Christmas, things would inexplicably go missing and return, etc. After exhausting all rational explanations, the family asked a minister to come bless the house. The minister soon recognized that they weren't dealing with a ghost. Something of an amateur (and unpowered) occultist himself, he recognized that Micah had a gift for innate magic. Under the guise of counseling the boy (which he also did), he taught Micah how to control his gifts and provided Micah access to his own esoteric (and spotty) library of the occult.

The result was that separated from the wider world of practitioners, Micah grew up with a quirky, off-beat set of magic skills. And while things were largely settled down, except for the occasional magical mishap, his family never really accepted or adjusted to Micah's differences. When his parents announced that they were selling the family farm and distributing the funds after taking care of their own retirement, it was kindly but firmly made clear to Micah that his path wasn't with his family. They just didn't want to be a part of that world. Didn't want to be reminded it even exists. They weren't bad people, but they were people who wanted the world to be safe, predictable and small.

The windfall from selling a couple of thousand acres of prime farmland was pretty amazing. Enough to set up each of the Campbell kids with a generous trust after securing a worry-free, luxurious retirement for their parents. Josh and Andi moved to Hawaii, most of Micah's siblings bought smaller farms of their own and left with no idea what to do with himself, the young witch cast his fate to the Fates themselves, offering up an invocation and prayer for where they wanted him to be, rather than where he wanted to go. Giving yourself over to the Moirai is a rare thing, mainly because the plans of higher powers are rarely those of mortals. But the next day, Micah received an acceptance package to a college he'd never heard of, in a town he'd never heard of. It was a full-ride scholarship that he was fairly sure he'd never done any paperwork for. But with no better options and a willingness to go where the Powers That Be wanted him, Micah headed off to Beacon Hills.