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The City of Tomorrow
Eastern Seaboard, USA
Quote-open.png The story? How many times do I have to tell you? There's only one story, Lane. Metropolis. She's the story. Quote-close.png
— Perry White

Known as "The City of Tomorrow," Metropolis is a shining example of what decades of forward-thinking city planning and investing in technology can do. A thriving city for the entire Twentieth Century, the dawn of the Twenty-First saw a city reborn. Every renovation was designed with cutting edge technology, setting a standard for living that has drawn worldwide attention and acclaim. The city is highly ecologically friendly with clean energy production and highly sustainable practices overall, while green spaces and vegetation are extensively included in the city's design. While some of the more dense areas still have the feel of an urban jungle, though now a futuristic one, Metropolis is much better integrated with the natural world than most cities even a fraction of its size.

City Officials


See Also: Metropolis Locations

Major Businesses and Organizations

High-Crime Areas

City Services

Standard Metropolis city uniforms
  • Damage Control is kept on retainer to clean up any extensive destruction that impacts the city.
  • City Services are divided up into Emergency Medical Services, Fire Department, Energy Department, Sanitation Department, Post Office, and Police Department.

For additional information based on comic book canon, check out Metropolis at the DC WikiaReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!.