I wouldn't try that -- I'm Invincible. |
— Himself |
Invincible is the teenaged son of Omni-Man, an extraterrestrial superhero of the Viltrumite race. Invincible inherited his fathers superhuman strength and ability to fly and he has sworn to protect the Earth. He has had trouble adjusting to his newfound powers and coping with the reality of his origins.
Mark is a normal and friendly young man with an instinctive drive to aid his fellow man. He loves simply using his powers and often batters his opponents with not only his fists but liberal amounts of sarcasm. Mark is a man who has an unyielding sense of right and wrong. Once he has made a decision, he will do everything in his power to see it through. If that means that he needs to fight his best friend or his father then he will do so no matter what the personal cost. Unfortunately, Mark is still a Viltrumite and his temper can get the better of him more times than he would like. He recognizes this fact and does his best to control his natural aggression.
The Legacy of Omni-Man
Mark Grayson's childhood was normal in every way, except for the fact that his father was one of the most powerful superheroes on Earth. On Mark's seventh birthday his father, Nolan, sat him down and revealed the origin of his powers. Nolan told him that he was a Viltrumite; an alien being whose people were a race of peaceful space explorers. He went on to explain that he had been sent to the Earth in order to hasten humanity's growth so they could join the galactic community. Finally, he told Mark that one day he would develop super-human powers.
Becoming Invincible
Each and every day following his father's revelation Mark woke up hoping that he had gotten his powers. Unfortunately for Mark, the process took a little longer than he hoped. It wasn't until his seventeenth birthday that his powers spontaneously manifested. Mark spent the next two weeks practicing their use and during that time even managed to thwart a jewel robbery perpetrated by the super-villain Titan. Unbeknownst to Mark, his father had been observing him in action. Impressed by his son's rapid growth but concerned about his maintaining his secret identity, Nolan arranged for a costume to be made for Mark. A few short days later, his high school principal inadvertently christened him *Invincible*.
GENIUS INTELLECT - Competent: Invincible is capable of fully memorizing and understanding complex ideas and skills, learning and adapting to any situations and environments instantly.
HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT - Competent: Invincible has demonstrated the ability to hold his own in a fight. His fighting prowess is beyond the average street-level thug, but not by much -- he most certainly focuses on his powers more than any real actual skill in brawling.
INDOMITABLE WILL - Expert: Invincible can be severely injured and still continue fighting, despite the pain. Invincible can continue fighting with broken limbs or even after being disemboweled.
FLIGHT - Supreme: Due to his Viltrumite heritage, Invincible has a complex balancing system in his inner ears that gives him the ability to fly. He can fly halfway across the planet in a matter of seconds.
INVINCIBLE - Supreme: Sure, this is hyperbole, but this is his flagship superpower. Invincible can virtually only be harmed physically by beings of similar strength or greater. He can survive a nuclear blast to the face with no damage, and several hydrogen bombs with minimal damage. If and when he's even hurt, he can survive wounds no human could, such as being disemboweled. He can exist comfortably in the vaccuum of space without aid, is immune to any disease or toxin (unless specifically designed to hurt him), and can even regrow lost organs or limbs (though this takes months). As he gets older, his aging process will slow down and eventually halt, making him virtually able to live for thousands of years.
SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES - Enhanced: With lightning fast-reflexes, Invincible can automatically dodge or intercept fast-moving projectiles, such as bullets.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH - Supreme: Invincible can carry objects much heavier than himself such as collapsing buildings, girders, debris, space warships, cruise ships, etc. Due to his Viltrumite physiology, as long as he keeps pushing himself, he'll only get stronger with age.
ALIEN TOXINS While no disease can ever hurt Invincible, toxins from planets outside of Earth can affect him as they would anyone else.
ENERGY WEAPONS Further, while energy weapons can't rip through his skin, being hit with them is akin to being punched by someone with Supreme level super strength and can knock him through buildings and the like. Energy weapons that take the shape of blades -can- cut through his skin.
MAGIC/PSIONICS Like Kryptonians, against the powers of magic or various mental psychic powers, Viltrumites have no special defenses. While not explicitly weak against them, they possess no special defense against them. Invincible is no exception. To elaborate, being able to magically summon an element won't neccessarily hurt Invincible, but summoning a flame that's more magic than actual fire will burn him.
VULNERABLE EARS In order to achieve flight, a Viltrumite's equilibrium must be balanced. This system is located in their ears and thus anything that disrupts their inner ear function can disrupt their flight. This does not include loud sounds, but much rather certain pitch pulses. It can cause Invincible's ears to bleed and possibly kill him if he's kept down for too long.