Maka Albourn

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Full Name:
Maka Albourn
Thief turned troubled sidekick.
OC (None)
Quote-open.png There's so many things you can scale with a rope: walls, buildings, Men.... I'm just saying. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Born and raised on the streets of Gotham, Maka was initially caught up in the smuggling game starting from a young age, until he was brought on in for crimes committed. However some of the heroes thought he was young enough and still able to be helped along. And so he was taken under the wing of the commissioner and various heroes to be trained for at least being a passable sidekick. Still, the youth is more comfortable in dark alleys and nightclubs where he can sneak about unnoticed.


Maka is a curious but mostly emotional sort of youth, working to make his way through the world. He's mouthy and a bit combative, but under the right tutilage he's pliable and is able to be molded. He has a definite daddy complex finding older men to be what he's drawn to romantically, and he also has daddy issues in the same turn being that's what he longed for growing up, a father figure, or even a family. He's combative and will run his mouth until someone shuts him up, but he cares for people as well.


Born on the streets of Gotham, Maka lived most of his life in the alleys chasing down the marks given to him by various gang leaders, when his mother died. He never knew his father, and if you asked him, he'd tell you some tale about how he was some rich man who just couldn't get past the fact Maka's mother was a prostitute. In reality, Maka's father wasn't anywhere near any of these things.

When he was caught at the age of 14 doing what he did best, he was brought in front of the commissioner at the time and was spared a major sentencing, instead being brought under the wing of the various heroes at the time in Gotham and learning to work for the good guys. Still, it was a rough experience, and one he still doesn't fully embrace well.