Magnus Chase

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Full Name:
Magnus Chase
Quote-open.png I don't want to be the Harbinger of the Wolf. I've seen enough wolves to last me a lifetime.
I want to be the harbinger of ice cream, or falafel.
— Himself
The son of the Norse god Frey and mortal woman Natalie Chase, Magnus Chase is just your average newly awoken young demigod trying to make is way in the world. Freed from having the Fate of the Norse Gods hanging over his head, he's now on trying to figure out just how he fits into a world that's both more magical and strange than he ever realized. Being a hero of the nine realms hasn't solved his problems on Midgard, leaving him a wandering presence searching for a place to belong without an ordained destiny to guide him along the way. Fortunately he's not alone in hsi new quest, he's got the best magic talking disco sword around to help him figure things out and ensure that everything turns out okay. Probably.


Witty, caring, funny, Magnus Chase is an affable teen who can't help but exude a calm tranquility even in the worst circumstances. He's streetwise in the way that only someone who's had to struggle to get by living on them can be, and yet still retains a certain sunny optimism that hasn't been beaten down out of him by his circumstances. He's still haunted by his mother's death as the hands (Paws? Claws? Teeth? Whatevers!) of monstrous wolves, carrying a fear of such creatures with him to this day. He feels an obligation to stick up for those who can't defend themselves, as demonstrated during his heroic stand again Surt before really knowing and believing in his demigod nature. His humor often tends towards a wry sarcasm and bit of snark, used just as often upon himself as it is with friends, it's not often that there's a nasty bite behind such joking and that's usually reserved for foes. Being the son of a good of peace, he lacks the natural tendency towards 'fight first' that many demigods and heroes often display, instead he prefers to outwit, out talk, or out sneak opponents. When fight's are unavoidable, he doesn't hold back, striking with courage and determination to end a battle with his friends still standing.


Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer (Soon to Be Called Jack)

Boston born Magnus Chase never thought his life would be anything but ordinary, he certainly never considered himself extraordinary in any way. Magnus lived a happy normal life in an apartment with his mother, and though she had a falling out with her brothers that resulted in Magnus not seeing his uncles or cousins afterwards, it was still a happy life. They spent much time in nature, camping, hiking, hunting. Then at 14 his life was turned upside down when monstrous wolves with glowing blue eyes broke into their home attacked and killed his mother. Her final words of warning to Magnus were to stay away from his Uncle Randolph. Magnus fled and the apartment was consumed in flames.

Magnus obeyed her last wish and, rather than try to contact any of his family, he instead fled to life on the streets as a homeless teen in Boston. Magnus adapted well enough to his new existence, getting by as best he could for two years before his life changed again. Fliers began circulating around Boston featuring his name and face, which led to confrontation with his Uncle Randolph, during which he was told that his life was in danger, that the Norse gods are real, and that he is the son of one such god. To save his life he'd have to claim a sword stuck at the bottom of the Charles River.

Magnus succeeded in that task, emerging with what appeared to be a corroded piece of pipe, and came under immediate attack from the fire giant Surt in the mortal guise of a tall man with coal black skin in a suit darker than night. When the Surt's attack threatened his two best friends and numerous innocents, Magnus showed his heroism, charging in to attack Surt. That corroded piece of metal flared to life in his hands, becoming the famed Sumarbrander, The Sword of Summer, and Magnus's reckless charge threw both giant and youth into the river far below. Magnus nearly died from both impact and wounds inflicted by Surt, but his demigod nature awakened to his heroic acts and his body rapidly healed itself, though he lost the sword in the process and he awoke to find himself no longer on the Realm of Midgard.

Magnus Chase and the Prophecy of the Norns (Or the Ragnarok That Wasn't)

The Norns, fate-weavers and destiny-readers of the Norse, seeing that their original foretelling of the end times was in danger of being subverted by those wishing to start Ragnarok sooner rather than later, had stepped at this point, bringing the youth that others sought to make their pawn to them to make him into their champion instead. To retake control of the narrative and to prevent seers, psychic, and mystics of the mortal realm from being inundated with dire portents and visions of the end of the world happening rather soon, the Norns delivered a new prophecy to Magnus.

This augury, a cosmic relief valve of sorts, gave the newly awoken demigod nine days to recover the Sword of Summer (again) and stop the onset of Ragnarok before it could begin and no longer be kept unseen and unknown. For after that point Ragnarok would become a true and immediate threat they could no longer hide. Along with that prophecy he learned that his demigod nature came from being the son of Frey, god of peace, fertility, wealth, rain, summer, and sunshine. This certainly explained the new and amazing abilities he was now developing. His life was no longer ordinary and he was now the linchpin (at least temporarily) upon which the fate of the world depended.

Magnus recovered Sumarbrander in short order, learned the blade could speak to him (and sing, though terribly), preferred a shorter name and had quite a bit of info Ragnarok. Magnus, with friends old and new and the newly dubbed Jack (Sumarbrander), traveled most of the nine realms on their quest to avert the Twilight of the Gods. Along the way he met many assorted beings and monsters out of Norse mythology, faced numerous threats and challenges to life, limb, and well-being, learned that the Greek and Roman gods were also real and had demigod offspring of their own. Through acts heroism, guile, and compassion, Magnus and company succeeded in preventing Ragnarok before it could begin by diverting, altering, or restoring the status quo to several key components that would have allowed the 'festivities' to kick off. With most of their adventures taking place in other realms and the new prophecy of the Norns providing cover, the potential of that looming threat was kept away from mortal eyes.

Magnus Chase and the Return to Midgard (Or Who Says You Can't Go Home?)

Having successfully postponed Ragnarok to a, hopefully far off and distant, future date, Magnus turned down any reward from the Norse pantheon, instead he wished merely to return home to Midgard, to Boston specifically. With many thanks, he was sent on his way, returned to Earth, but forever changed by his eye opening experiences. However much to his dismay, upon returning to his home turf he discovered that thanks to eye witness reports of his confrontation with the disguised Surt, the extensive fiery damage to the bridge in said confrontation, and recently circulating fliers featuring his face and name, one 'Magnus Chase' had become a much more actively sought Person of Interest within the city of Boston than he had been since his mysterious disappearance following the death of his mother and their apartment home exploding into flames. Rather than attempting to deal with authorities actively looking for him while any true explanation he could provide them of current events would make him seem like a raving crazy person , Magnus instead opted to leave Boston behind.

For now he is content to wander about other parts of New England, with eyes opened to just how much more strange and magical the world really is. Werewolves and Witches and Demigod, oh my. He seeks to deepen his knowledge of such matters, to explore the side of reality on earth that he never knew existed previous to his introduction to the supernatural. To find a place where he might truly belong and perhaps do some good along the way. Also, hopefully, to not have to deal with any other potential end of the world scenarios any time soon. Fingers crossed.