Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
To-morrow will be dying. |
— "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick |
Macleod is a local musician and songwriter who happens to also be one of the talented professors at Queensmouth Academy, teaching ritualism, rites, and occult studies. He also happens to be a complete hedonist. He's one of the men who has the blood and powers of his lineage, passed down from Brigid and spread through his family. He's rowdy, drugged up, passionate, and deeply tied to the physical and emotional passions of others. He also has a deep connection to the land, cultivation of nature, and higher things both physical, and intellectual, giving him dominion over the cliffs, forts, and high places, as well as intelligence, wisdom, and the arts. Being spiritual in nature he relates to those closest to him, that being the fae, and appreciates those who dedicate themselves to nature. This presents itself in the making of easy friendships, rather than a conscious choice.
Macleod is fun loving rowdy and a fun loving individual. HIs manners are a bit relaxed, but he can polish up when need, he is powerful in magic, and strong in will and it reflects through his interactions, being mouthy against anyone who would try and restrain him. His moods can swing from tired and sleepy in winter to lively in summer with some ties to the seasons in that regard. Though many could simply attribute it to seasonal depression.
Born in Belfast, Ireland, Macleod was gifted with the lineage of a goddess of the arts, passed down through his mother and leaving him not only a handsome man, but one whose magic is inherited from the fae themselves. His line traces back to Brigid, and he has taken on the mantle of a guardian of the forests and mountains. He spent most of his young adult years living alone in the hills of Ireland communing with the various beings of power and honing his magic, including druidic spellcasting and rites. Then he took time to spend with humankind, studying at university as a singer and songwriter. So, now he lives protecting the woodlands around Port-Au-Feu and Queen's Cove, protecting the wildlife and maintaining a buffer between the humans and magical beings.
Brewing potions is one of a witch's signature abilities. By combining various reagents, herbs, and other ingredients according to mystic recipes and using magical practices, witches are able to produce magic in a bottle, salve, or other such preparations. A major strength of potions is allowing a complex effect to be prepared ahead of time, then rendered portable for quick enactment at the time of need. This means that one of the great strengths of a witch is being able to brew up magic in advance, removing any need for casting or incantations when they are put to use.
He is able to play guitar at a professional level in both classical and modern forms.
Herbalism - Competent Level
He is familiar with most herbal remedies and medicines.
He is able to compose and write songs on a professional level.
The occult craft includes herbalism, spellcraft, research, the preparation and performance of rituals, awareness of the supernatural world, and more. A practicing witch is competent and versed in all these things, understanding the properties of plants and their role in magic, knowing a variety of spells and how to use them, and certainly knows how to seek out information they don't already have. Whether based on their own knowledge or using a grimoire, they are able to recognize, analyze, and counter spells, and even come up with original spells or alter existing ones.
Survival - Competent Level
He is able to live in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and provide shelter for himself in various weather conditions.
He is able to play violin at a professional level in classical, folk, and modern forms.
Magic: Animal Empathy - Enhanced Level
He has a deep connection with animal life and unusual ability to determine what they're feeling: their condition, mood, et cetera.
Power: Eyesight - Enhanced Level
He is able to see at night as well as with much better acuity, and he can see things at very long distances.
Power: Longevity - Enhanced Level
Due to his demigod nature, Macleod has an extended life span, ranging near two centuries, along with slowed aging.
Power: Strength - Enhanced Level
He has enhanced strength, allowing him to lift much more than normal humans.
Magic: Warding - Enhanced Level
He is able to perform all manner of wardings save for against the strongest of supernatural powers.
Magic: Witchcraft - Enhanced Level
Born with a talent for magic, a witch can accomplish quite a variety of effects through spellcraft. These range from conjuring, enchantment, transformation, warding, or illusion to the summoning or banishment of spirits or creatures, to a variety of other effects. For thematic, role-play, and plot purposes their abilities are nearly endless so long as they have the right spell available. For practical purposes, their castings all operate at the Enhanced level in most instances. With ritual preparation these may all be expanded, but any exceptional use would have to be approved by staff.
Witches are well known for the "Power of Three." That is, they are especially adept at combining their individual strengths in order to cast much more powerful, impactful magics. Some of the most powerful spells a witch can cast require a circle of others to cast, and a circle is usually formed out of triads of witches, each wielding the Power of Three. Power of Three spells can be done by any three witches, but they have to have the same focus on their goal and ideally be on the same page. Witches who are at odds with each other may even have the spell fail or go wrong. For even greater effect, various groups of three can assemble into larger circles of nine or twelve, and a circle of thirteen is particularly potent.
Because of his ties to nature, Macleod goes through periods of strength and shifts in personality. In spring he is generally more creative and quick witted. In summer he is at the height of his potential happy and fun loving. Also this is when the height of his virility displays itself. In Fall he is more reflective. In winter he finds himself as weak as humans, though the athletes of human kind, finding himself depressed and with lack of inspiration. Hibernation of a sort.