Macleod McDonald

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Full Name:
Macleod Mcdonald
Professor of Ritualism and Rites
Young Adult
Quote-open.png Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today

To-morrow will be dying.
— "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick
Macleod is a local musician and songwriter who happens to also be one of the talented professors at Queensmouth Academy, teaching ritualism, rites, and occult studies. He also happens to be a complete hedonist. He's one of the men who has the blood and powers of his lineage, passed down from Brigid and spread through his family. He's rowdy, drugged up, passionate, and deeply tied to the physical and emotional passions of others. He also has a deep connection to the land, cultivation of nature, and higher things both physical, and intellectual, giving him dominion over the cliffs, forts, and high places, as well as intelligence, wisdom, and the arts. Being spiritual in nature he relates to those closest to him, that being the fae, and appreciates those who dedicate themselves to nature. This presents itself in the making of easy friendships, rather than a conscious choice.


Macleod is fun loving rowdy and a fun loving individual. HIs manners are a bit relaxed, but he can polish up when need, he is powerful in magic, and strong in will and it reflects through his interactions, being mouthy against anyone who would try and restrain him. His moods can swing from tired and sleepy in winter to lively in summer with some ties to the seasons in that regard. Though many could simply attribute it to seasonal depression.


Born in Belfast, Ireland, Macleod was gifted with the lineage of a goddess of the arts, passed down through his mother and leaving him not only a handsome man, but one whose magic is inherited from the fae themselves. His line traces back to Brigid, and he has taken on the mantle of a guardian of the forests and mountains. He spent most of his young adult years living alone in the hills of Ireland communing with the various beings of power and honing his magic, including druidic spellcasting and rites. Then he took time to spend with humankind, studying at university as a singer and songwriter. So, now he lives protecting the woodlands around Port-Au-Feu and Queen's Cove, protecting the wildlife and maintaining a buffer between the humans and magical beings.