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A wizard of some renown, Luxuriol is known in a number of circles, mainly scholarly and magical. Friend to nature, he maintains strong relations with the elves. He is known for having single-handedly contributed perhaps the most of anyone in history to conservation of the soothing and magically-inclined dodo. Luxuriol always travels with a dodo named Pepe, whom he refers to as his partner.


Luxuriol is a caring person who has a special fondness for nature, and most especially dodos. He is well-known for his work in conservation of nature and various living things, and it shows in his actions that even if he looks at a larger picture, the individual struggles and hardships are most important to him as the elements that make up that image. Luxuriol is a generally very agreeable person, but if challenged, he can show remarkable resolve and, at times, stoicism in the face of adversity. While he is very approachable and warm, he is nonetheless very old and has certain idiosyncrasies that can make him seem difficult to understand or even incomprehensible, or inscrutable, to some.


Luxuriol largely kept to himself in his early days, traveling around the land in his quest for knowledge and enrichment. On one of his journeys, he encountered a small dodo who had got himself into mischief. After rescuing this dodo, Luxuriol found that a bond had been formed. He named the dodo Pepe and began to travel with him, even giving him the enchanted hat Luxuriol had previously worn all the time.

Luxuriol was already an able and respected wizard by the time hostilities around the land reached their peak and the Great War began. During the mounting conflicts, Luxuriol worked very hard, allying with the Elves wherever he could to preserve the natural lands and the animals. One such endeavor brought him at odds with a particularly corrupt noble house of Lyne. Despite attempts to resolve it peacefully, the head noble of the house devised and then sprang a trap on the wizard, intending to either imprison him or kill him. Luxuriol summoned a storm as a warning and, when the noble tried to attack him physically, the man was struck sixteen times with lightning.

With the conflict and unrest of Lyne at the time, the noble's actions ultimately never brought consequences upon Luxuriol; none of those present were willing to oppose him, understandably, and the rest of the kingdom had more urgent priorities with the war. It was a remarkable success for dodo conservation, however: the incident spread a deathly fear that anyone who threatened a dodo would be struck by lightning.

During the war itself, Luxuriol quickly allied himself with the Elven Alliance and was instrumental in developing a strategy to answer the massive threat of the Euternos. Time and again, Luxuriol's desire to spare lives and minimize risk on all sides contributed to the eventual sidelining of the Euternos altogether. Exhausted after the abandon of Omenaru amid the fighting, Luxuriol retreated with Pepe to the innermost of Sylvania for several years.

After the Great War ended, Luxuriol resumed his travels and became known for rendering assistance to struggling outposts, towns trying to rebuild, and eventually, the spread of the Brilliant Cosmenia from Altur. Luxuriol and Pepe continued their adventures and ventured forth to discover secret treasures, faced legendary dangers, and journeyed to lands the world over to enrich their wisdom. They retreated somewhat from prominence as peace settled in the world and new generations stepped forward as stewards of the places that changed so much over the centuries.

But they travel even today and have allied with the heroic guilds of Altur...for adventure!