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Lumens Thelaris
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Located in the eastern Bay of Omens region at the base of the Kenngoth Mountains, Lumens Thelaris is a large human-built city that was founded during the reign of Malketh over Omenaru. It was dedicated to spiritual enlightenment, particularly revering the goddess Niann and emphasizing the importance of love and brotherhood amongst all peoples.
In recent years, only Niann's lesser aspect, the divine Flame, retains much of the city's original meaning. Now inhabited by the Order of the Sacred Flame and its guardsmen, the city remains largely dedicated to compassion and love, now mainly in reverence of the Brilliant Cosmenia.
Points of Interest
- The Monastery of Lumens Thelaris (Built amongst the ruins of the Temple of Niann)
- The Citadel of the Sacred Flame
- The Holy City is home to the Order of the Sacred Flame.
- Founded in 1531 AC with the blessing of Malketh