Luke Skywalker

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Full Name:
Luke Skywalker
Brash Pilot
Quote-open.png I'm Luke Skywalker -- I'm here to rescue you! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Luke is curious, impatient, looking ahead to the future with little regard for his present surroundings, and even a bit brash. Like his father, he is impulsive, reckless, and often has little regard for his own personal safety.


Luke is curious, impatient, looking ahead to the future with little regard for his present surroundings, and even a bit brash. Like his father, he is impulsive, reckless, and often has little regard for his own personal safety.


The son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala, Luke Skywalker was born, along with his sister Leia, 2 days after the first Empire Day at the Kallidah research base on one of the asteroids in the Polis Massa system. As a result of Amidala's death and Anakin's fall to the Dark Side of the Force, the Skywalker twins were separated and sent into hiding. Leia was adopted by the royal family of Alderaan, while Luke was raised by Owen and Beru Lars on a small moisture farm near Anchorhead on Tatooine. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi watched over Luke from afar.

Raised by his aunt and uncle, Luke never knew his mother or father. He had been told that his father had been a navigator aboard a spice freighter, killed in a Separatist attack near the end of the Clone Wars, while his mother died in childbirth. He knew nothing of the Force or the Jedi, but he longed for a more exciting life. Soon he would have it.

One day, while goofing off with his friends at Tosche Station in Anchorhead, there approached a stranger, who called himself Galen Marek. He was looking for someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi. Thinking he meant the 'crazy wizard' Old Ben Kenobi, Luke offered to take the stranger across the Dune Sea to the hermit's home in his Soro-Suub XP-34 landspeeder.

Upon arrival, Luke was surprised to learn that Old Ben was actually a Jedi Master, and that Marek hoped that Obi-Wan would teach him the ways of the Force. Luke was even more surprised when Ben revealed that his own father had been a Jedi Knight, though he was fascinated by the lightsaber that had once belonged to his father, which Ben gave to him.

Before Kenobi could decide whether or not to take on Marek as an apprentice, an explosion rocked the small hut, knocking Luke unconscious. The Third Brother and Second Sister, two of the Empire's dreaded Inquisitors, had trailed Marek, and an epic lightsaber battle began. Kenobi quickly instructed Marek to take the unconscious Luke and get off-planet as quickly as possible, while he stayed behind to battle the Inquisitors. He promised to find the pair eventually, somewhere in the galaxy.

Luke woke hours later to find himself aboard Marek's starship, the Rogue Shadow, already light years from Tatooine. And so his great adventure begins!