I'm Luke Skywalker -- I'm here to rescue you! |
— Himself |
Luke is curious, impatient, looking ahead to the future with little regard for his present surroundings, and even a bit brash. Like his father, he is impulsive, reckless, and often has little regard for his own personal safety.
Luke is curious, impatient, looking ahead to the future with little regard for his present surroundings, and even a bit brash. Like his father, he is impulsive, reckless, and often has little regard for his own personal safety.
The son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala, Luke Skywalker was born, along with his sister Leia, 2 days after the first Empire Day at the Kallidah research base on one of the asteroids in the Polis Massa system. As a result of Amidala's death and Anakin's fall to the Dark Side of the Force, the Skywalker twins were separated and sent into hiding. Leia was adopted by the royal family of Alderaan, while Luke was raised by Owen and Beru Lars on a small moisture farm near Anchorhead on Tatooine. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi watched over Luke from afar.
Raised by his aunt and uncle, Luke never knew his mother or father. He had been told that his father had been a navigator aboard a spice freighter, killed in a Separatist attack near the end of the Clone Wars, while his mother died in childbirth. He knew nothing of the Force or the Jedi, but he longed for a more exciting life. Soon he would have it.
One day, while goofing off with his friends at Tosche Station in Anchorhead, there approached a stranger, who called himself Galen Marek. He was looking for someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi. Thinking he meant the 'crazy wizard' Old Ben Kenobi, Luke offered to take the stranger across the Dune Sea to the hermit's home in his Soro-Suub XP-34 landspeeder.
Upon arrival, Luke was surprised to learn that Old Ben was actually a Jedi Master, and that Marek hoped that Obi-Wan would teach him the ways of the Force. Luke was even more surprised when Ben revealed that his own father had been a Jedi Knight, though he was fascinated by the lightsaber that had once belonged to his father, which Ben gave to him.
Before Kenobi could decide whether or not to take on Marek as an apprentice, an explosion rocked the small hut, knocking Luke unconscious. The Third Brother and Second Sister, two of the Empire's dreaded Inquisitors, had trailed Marek, and an epic lightsaber battle began. Kenobi quickly instructed Marek to take the unconscious Luke and get off-planet as quickly as possible, while he stayed behind to battle the Inquisitors. He promised to find the pair eventually, somewhere in the galaxy.
Luke woke hours later to find himself aboard Marek's starship, the Rogue Shadow, already light years from Tatooine. And so his great adventure begins!
ATHLETICS: Competent - Luke is a fairly skilled athlete when it comes to running, throwing, climbing, lifting, and so forth.
BEAST RIDING: Competent - Though not an expert, by any means, Luke has learned to competently ride the various creatures native to Tatooine, including Eopies, Dewbacks, Banthas, and Rontos.
BRAWLING: Novice - Luke has been in a few scraps, but he's never particularly delved into serious fighting. He's not helpless, but he's far from being a seasoned warrior.
LIGHTSABER: Novice - Luke has only begun to train in use of a lightsaber, but he has a strong connection to the Force and excellent reflexes, making him a promising student.
MECHANICAL: Expert - Living on a frontier moisture farm, Luke has had to repair every sort of mechanical device, from landspeeders to vaporators to the farm's ancient Treadwell droid.
PILOTING: Expert - Luke has been piloting repulsorlift vehicles, such as landspeeders, for as long as he can remember. He's also become very skilled flying a T-16 Skyhopper through the twists and turns of Beggar's Canyon.
SURVIVAL: Expert - Luke grew up on a small farmstead on the edge of Tatooine's Dune Sea. He's survived Sandpeople raids and hoards of womprats, not to mention extended periods of time in the Jundland Waste desert.
WEAPONS: Competent - Luke is fairly handy with a blaster, especially a hunting blaster rifle.
ENHANCE TRAIT: Enhanced-level Force - The Force can enhance its user in many ways. Specialized uses of this talent include Force healing and Force speed, but in more general terms it can be used to enhance the user in various ways. These include improving a skill that relies on mental focus or manual dexterity, imparting increased physical toughness such as to reduce injury, sharpening senses, or increasing physical strength. In practice, this ability can stand in for any other personal attribute when invoked, though only one attribute can be enhanced at a time: strength, dexterity, toughness, perception, intelligence, etc. This is accomplished via a brief meditation, after which the effect generally lasts from a few minutes up to a few hours, depending on the ability of the user and the length of time spend preparing. It can also be used in brief bursts of up to a few seconds with no advance preparation.
Luke is a fairly typical user of this ability. He most often uses this ability to sharpen his reflexes in tandem with piloting skill, frequently passively boosting his ability up to the Enhanced level for up to several minutes at a time.
FARSIGHT: Basic-level Force - This form of advanced clairvoyance allows the Force-user to see visions of other locations, even other times. This may include seeing a target in real time, witnessing the events happening to and around them, but it may also convey glimpses of the future, though these are seldom to be depended upon, as the future is always in motion, always changing. The more physical and emotional distance between the farseer and their target, the more difficult the feat becomes. Between two farseers, it's possible to achieve mental communication in this way, though usually such effects are limited.
In Luke's case, he has no practical experience with farsight, but he is awakened to the Force, and as such he can still receive seemingly random, unpredictable visions or flashes of insight and knowledge without always realizing where they came from.
BLASTER PISTOL: Enhanced-level Weapon - Luke's Merr-Sonn Model 57 blaster pistol.
HUNTING RIFLE: Enhanced-level Weapon - Luke's Czerka Arms 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle slugthrower.
LIGHTSABER: Enhanced-level Weapon - An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the lightsaber, sometimes referred to erroneously as a laser sword, is a legendary weapon favored by many Force-users, especially Jedi and Sith. Lightsabers consist of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, emitted from a hilt, usually made of metal. The blade can be toggled on or off, allowing the weapon to close down to just the hilt. A weapon as dangerous to the wielder as to their opponents if used carelessly, a lightsaber requires rigorous skill and training. The weapon becomes much more effective when used in conjunction with the Force.
The Skywalker lightsaber was built by Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. It has a pale blue blade, which is a meter long. After Anakin fell in an epic duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi retrieved the lightsaber and kept it safe until he thought Luke was old enough to have it.
CRANK - Crank is a cantankerous R5-unit astromech. Originally assigned to Clone Trooper CT-1066 (Flyboy), a pilot in the 104th battalion's Wolfpack, under Commander Wolffe and General Plo Koon. Flyboy was the co-pilot of an ARC-170 starfighter, and Crank served as the astromech. After the end of the Clone Wars, the new Empire had little use for the faulty R5-units, so Crank found himself without an owner or employment. He found a job aboard a medium-sized freighter, but his unpleasant personality and many mechanical problems soon found him abandoned on the planet Dantooine. He worked briefly for a farmer, who upgraded him with some agricultural software, but again, he proved more trouble than he was worth, and the farmer left him in the streets of Khoonda. He wandered aimlessly for a few years, stealing power where he could, until found by Luke Skywalker, who adopted the droid and promised to repair and upgrade his faulty systems.
Manufacturer: Industrial Automaton
Designation: R5-A10
Model: R5-unit
Plating Color: Gold and Purple
Equipment: Buzz Saw; Electric Pike; Fusion Welder; Data Probe; Holoprojector; All-Terrain Treads; Retractable Third Leg
Programming: Astrogation (Enhanced); Starship Repair (Basic); Agriculture (Basic)
FORCE WATCHERS - Unknown to Luke, he is being watched over from afar by two very powerful Jedi Masters: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Though he knows Kenobi as the 'crazy wizard' Old Ben, he has never even heard of Yoda.
KRAYT HOWL - an ancient Striker-class interceptor made by the Aratech corporation during the days of the Old Republic.
FAMOUS NAME - The name Skywalker is not a common one in the galaxy, and the Jedi general Anakin Skywalker was a well-known hero during the Clone Wars. Though Luke does not know of his connection to Anakin Skywalker, it is entirely possible others might make the connection.
ORPHAN - As far as Luke knows, he's an orphan. He was raised from infancy by his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru Lars, and the story he was told was that his father was a navigator on a spice freighter who died during a Separatist attack near the end of the Clone Wars. He was also told that his mother died in childbirth.