Lucciano Orazio

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Full Name:
Lucciano Dante Enrico Orazio
Wealthy Aristocrat
OC (None)
"Who Wants to Live Forever" by Queen.
Quote-open.png The savage in man is never quite eradicated. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Lucciano is a wealthy aristocrat from Italy. He has a reputation for extravagant parties, expensive tastes. He is rumored to be connected with Italian Mafia and gangsters but nothing has ever been proved.


An aristocrat with enough money to get away with things.


As a young man, Lucciano made his way by being a rogue. He broke into a well secured fortress and thought he was opening a chest that would hold vast riches. Instead it held a vampire that in his hunger nearly drained him dry. The vampire, after his initial thirst was sated, was impressed with the bravery and success of infiltrating his lair and finding him. As a reward, he turned Lucciano into a vampire and left him to find his own way. It took many years to master his powers, and then many more to pass for human. Eventually, he was able to use his powers to bring himself to marrying a young wealthy aristocrat. After many years, he would go into seclusion and then have is his "wife" pass him off as their son and heir and marry into another wealthy family until had more than enough wealth. He still uses his ability to calm and make a human complacent to keep reintroducing himself to the mortal ever few years as the "heir" of his late father, so he can continue to stay modern.