Lu Shang

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Full Name:
Lu Shang
The Dragon Ranger
Chosen One
Young Adult
OC (None)
"Levitate" by Hadouken
Lu is unknown to the world at large. Having accidentally found his way here while pursuing his ancient enemy, the Oni, through the Spirit Realm.


Lu Shang was raised in a very sheltered manner. He had literally no experience with the outside world until he was well into his teens. Having been raised before that only in the Monastery of the Spirit Monks on a small rocky island off the coast of mainland Japan. As a result he can be somewhat awe struck or repulsed by things he has never encountered before. Even with the time he has been away from the monastery, there are still so many things he has never encountered.

Lu is a happy individual despite several traumas in his life, and a propensity to take his training very seriously. He believes that the wheel of life spins, and that all things serve a purpose in it. That said it does not mean he likes or even tolerates all of those things. His place is to oppose those that would harm others. In particular he reacts very poorly to those that would harm others far weaker than himself. It is a standard he holds himself to as well. He dislikes unduly harming criminals and others outside of his "weight class", preferring others would intervene. Though will still act to stop criminal activities, he will always attempt to do so with the least possible display of power if he determines the enemy is far weaker than he himself. Unless they are a bully. Lu truly detests a bully.

There is a great and terrible evil Lu is forever seeking. The very evil he pursued through the spirit realm. The Oni. In preparation for the day he will battle them beside his fellow monks Lu trains very hard. Part of that training as he sees it is challenging powerful opponents in battle or at least to spar. Learning new techniques is much more entertaining to him in this way. For this reason in any conflict Lu tends to determine as best he is able the most dangerous individual opposing him on the field and immediately engage them.

Lu grew up in a monastery with other men. He has little modesty about things such as nudity. However despite being very charismatic, charming, polite, and attractive. He has essentially zero skills in engaging in any social setting beyond being friendly. He has never dated, or had friends in a traditional sense. While well equipped for any physical fight, he is socially inept.


Lu Shang was born onto an Earth going through the birthing pains of great change, a world where a strange visitor from another world brought with him a unique radiation that gave the world super powers. However, that same radiation worked to stunt the powers in Lu, which were mystical in nature. In time he came to discover that and embrace the true nature of his powers. Along the way, he helped to do battle with powerful enemies belonging to a terrorist organization with the resources of a nation.

However, as Lu grew to know his abilities and find a place in the world of his birth, a new threat appeared, one which he and his order well knew. The Oni had returned and once more sought to take over the Earth. As before, in a far earlier age, the Spirit Monks and their chosen one rallied to drive the Oni back, with Lu pursuing them into the Spirit Realm. His chase lead him to a new Earth, far different than the one of his birth. The search for the Oni continues now, as Lu maintains the ties he had built on his own world, while seeking out his ancient enemies on a new one.