Leshrak Amartano

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Full Name:
Leshrak Amartano
Paladin of Darkness
OC (None)
The eldest son of a nobleman and a paladin of darkness, Leshrak is relentless in the pursuit of his goals and most ends will justify the means. It is safe to assume that, while far from invincible, he is a formidable opponent on the battlefield and in political arenas. His alignment could simplistically be described as lawful evil, and he is charming and genteel when the situation calls for it, but at other times cunning and ruthless. His reason for existing is to strengthen the powers he serves. This can be done many ways; his favorites are bringing the forces of goodness and light to their knees and seducing fresh souls into the Night.

OOC Notes

This character's write-up routinely references concepts like "evil" and "darkness" as a shorthand for what the character truly believes. While the truth of his beliefs are a mystery to the world at large, they are spelled out more clearly in his private, staff-only notes on the game.


He embodies the aspects of his faith: Dominance, carnality, evil, darkness, and the night. Cold and calculating in financial, military, and political matters, but passionate and loyal to a fault in matters of the heart. He's usually very tightly wound. He needs to learn to relax, maybe take a day off from his relentless, diabolical pursuit of world domination and subjugation. He is a brilliant strategist and master manipulator, two things that often come in handy in love and war.


Leshrak was raised the eldest of a nobleman's sons -- though he does have a twin who is just a few minutes younger than him -- and expected to inherit his father's lands and titles. From the time he could stand he held a blade, and grew up in an environment of rigorous military training. By the time he reached the age of 30, he'd led his father's army through successful military campaigns. In spite of his family's privileged placement in society, his life has been one of austerity and denial. He is deeply religious, and worships a god of darkness and evil. As a paladin of this god, every aspect of his life and personality is shaded by his faith.