Leo Visconti

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Full Name:
Leopoldo "Leo" Visconti
Student/Rich Boy/Superhero
OC (None)
Leo attends Sky High, but he's not super happy about it. School isn't his favorite thing. He does participate in some powered athletic teams, particularly where his own powers are useful, like in swimming or track and field. Otherwise, he's not especially social around school, tending to take a similar attitude to his brother, Gio, that sleeping in and staying out late is more fun than attending class. He does differ from his brother in that he actually likes being a superhero more than just seeing it as something to do on a lark. Sure, he tends to have fun with it, but he also tries to actually do a good job. He's a little better at teaming up than Slingshot, which is his brother's heroic alter ego, is, since he doesn't necessarily tend to be as chaotic... no all the time, anyway.


Around those he knows and is comfortable with, Leo tends to be very playful and mischievous, but he is also easygoing and relaxed, willing to accept almost anyone who accepts him. With those he distrusts or for other reasons does not feel comfortable around, he may be more reserved and quiet.

Otherwise, he's high-spirited and tends to leap before he looks. Often "leaping" headlong into danger, Leo is often forced to rely on quick wits to save his neck. This is partially due to a reckless nature, but mostly it's simply an excess of enthusiasm coupled with a dose of impatience.

As the Puck once said, "those things do best please me that befall preposterously." Leo can be a bit of a prankster. He loves to play tricks, usually the kind that make their target look silly, and are designed to make everyone laugh, but nothing that would do anyone real harm.

Oddly enough, despite all of his other qualities, he tends to be very good at focusing on a job or task, taking it seriously, and getting it done. Somehow, his cocky, playful nature almost seems to bolster his abilities in this regard.

Quite the curious sort, Leo is always quick to look in upon a scene of interest or investigate an odd sight or noise. His eye is easily caught, as is his fancy, and one may find him hanging around with an undesired interest at the most inopportune times.

Notably, his whimsy is matched by a particular kind of gallantry, and he's as fierce and true a friend as one could hope to find.


Leo Visconti is from an Italian family of old wealth and lineage with roots tracing back to the island of Sardinia before it became part of Italy. Like his brother before him, he had a pretty easy life in his early years, pampered and privileged, especially as he was the younger son. Having had less family expectation placed on him than his brother has, as well as being younger, Leo tends to get away with flying under the family radar a great deal more, so he's been kept innocent of most of their more illicit dealings. (Being something of a mama's boy in his younger days may have played a role in this, too.) His older brother, whether intentionally or not, gave the family someone to focus on, which left Leo free to pursue his own interests. Unfortunately, he's never been able to settle on anything much. He might have stayed quietly mediocre, in fact, were it not for his tendency to hero-worship his brother and follow him around. For, one fateful night in Venice, Leo followed his brother to a Carnivale celebration.

Unlike Gio, Leo was unable to make it far into the party, so he had nowhere near as much fun. He was picked up by security for being underage, then deposited in a makeshift holding area until they could get in touch with a family member to take him home. Because of this isolation, Leo was spared the nastier parts of the experience when the energy attack hit, but he was still caught in the blast. He never had the kind of dramatic moment that Gio had with his powers, but instead he discovered them gradually and began to follow his brother out at night. Slingshot may have never wanted a junior partner, but Javelin came along anyway. Leo's been very stubborn about having his own way about it, and even when Gio has literally grounded him, exploiting an odd interaction between their powers, Leo has refused to quit. The compromise, as it turns out, is that Leo has to attend Sky High and learn to control his powers. As a result, Gio isn't stopping him from acting out as Javelin completely, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the elder Visconti has accepted his younger brother's role, either. To be honest, Leo just doesn't know yet. One can assume that, as he continues to explore this new role, time will tell...