Lance De Leon

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Full Name:
Lance De Leon
Demon Lord
OC (None)
"Prom Song (Gone Wrong)" - Lana Del Rey
Lance is an Old One, one of a number of ancient demons and former rulers of the world. This lifestyle of constant warfare wore on him, however, and he eventually shifted his approach and became one of a number of unified and powerful demons known as the Knights of Hell. Now walking the Earth, he pursues his own goals. Those who are aware of his superhuman identity or his accomplishments may know him as Demogorgon, a name regarded as being a formidable and fearsome figure.


Lance has an assertive personality that also carries a strong appeal to it. He possesses a kind of charisma that especially tempts less strong personalities into following him. Although some may see him as a smart ass or unpleasant to deal with, he is undeniably perceptive and lives on his own terms. Those who encounter him as a foe may well be terrified by him, as he doesn't present a supernaturally formidable mien until the point where it serves him, or where necessary; most humans would be devastated to confront his full force of will. However, he is seemingly perpetually fascinated by humans and being in human form, and because of this he is prone to indulgence in consciousness-altering substances. His nature allows him to resist a great deal of their effects, but they nonetheless enthrall him and can not only impair his judgment but also affect his decision-making adversely in order to experience them. He can also, rarely, be swayed by connections made and loyalties formed through his affiliations with the facade he presents.


In the Old Times, the world was the domain of the Old Ones, demons of formidable potency who tended towards constant conflict. One such demon was Demogorgon, who commanded great forces against his enemies and savored the thrill of battle. At one point, he was involved with the formation of a group known as the Knights of Hell, whose membership included himself, Abaddon, Illyria, and a number of other notable figures; however, eventually Demogorgon grew tired of the carnage, tired of the violence and constant warfare, and quietly withdrew his presence and influence from the world, effectively disappearing after a point and only interacting with the world in subtle ways.

Eventually, the time of the Old Ones passed, and many either ended up in the Deeper Well awaiting some future golden age or in their various individual realms and sacred places out of time itself. Demogorgon, now known by the name Lance De Leon, carefully planned his moves and established a comfortable network of followers and business partners. Most recently, he was drawn to the town of Beacon Hills due to the curious surge of mystical power and interest, but he remains active throughout the West Coast in both business and personal interests.