Kolton Hicks

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Full Name:
Kolton Eugene Hicks
GEAS Scientist
Young Adult
OC (None)
Kolton Hicks is the love child of an angry, deadbeat father and a brilliant mother who loved her science more than her son. His mother, a neuroscience engineer, treated him as a lab rat, performing highly dangerous experiments that altered his DNA and brain chemistry during his teenage years. Since then he has had the ability to tap into The Force, though his control over such power is limited. In an effort to understand more about what his mother did to him, he chose to pursue a career in science with the GEAS. He is a recent graduate of the Space Academy.


Early Years

Kolton was born on a remote, relatively unknown, Colony planet that some might still call rural. His father was a drunken deadbeat and his mother, at the time of his birth, was a young aspiring scientist. With his mother working long hours in an agriculture lab, and his father all but absent, Kolton learned to be independent early on. His mother eventually grew tired of the rural life and, when Kolton was 10, relocated -- sans husband -- to Maxima Ceres, where she joined an advanced genetics facility on Starhome.

The Independent T(w)een

Life on Starhome was relatively quiet for Kolton. His mother left him alone to raise himself. This is when Kolton learned the advantages and disadvantages of being so independent. Although the high-tech lifestyle was newly accessible to him, Kolton often chose to do things the hard way. He escaped through literature and music. By the time he was 12, he had taught himself to play the piano and had read hundreds of texts, primarily classical literature and history.

The Experiment

Having established herself as a top scientist in the arena of neuroscience engineering, Kolton's mother was running her own lab when he was 13. Whispers among her colleagues that she was performing unethical research abounded. Due to a lack of legitimate subjects for some of her less ethical experiments, she began testing her theories on Kolton. Within two months of his first visit to the lab, Kolton knew he was starting to change. He would sometimes hear whispers, like echoes of thoughts just barely reaching his senses. When he was angry, small objects nearby would begin to vibrate. After a barrage of medical and neurological testing, Kolton's mother discovered that she had somehow been able to tap into the power of The Force. This is when Kolton turned from classical literature and music to science. Science, he hoped, had the answers to questions about his existence and his new abilities.

When he was of age, he joined the Space Academy to study science. His drive to uncover his own nature propelled him to the top of his class, and he recently graduated with honors. Around the time he entered The Academy, his mother died unexpectedly. While clearing out her laboratory, Kolton found copious notes -- all written in code -- which he promptly burned.

These Days

Kolton has managed to hide his Force abilities for nearly a decade now. Only he and his mother ever knew the true extent of his powers, or even that he has them. He lives in fear that one day he will become another scientist's lab experiment, should anyone find out. He is staunchly independent, which has been a boon to his career and a detriment to his personal life. Though he is known to be bubbly and affable in public, he maintains a quiet distance from potential romances because of his secret. As a recent Academy graduate, Kolton is on the lookout for a science officer post.