Kevin Cameron

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Full Name:
Kevin Cameron
Student, Fledgling Hero/Adventurer
OC ((X-Men))
Quote-open.png I'm game! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Kevin's abilities make him easy going. A stray though and he's on a different world or even planet. He's pretty much up for anything at any time.


Kevin is laid back to a fault and up for pretty much anything. He's carefree and fun loving and can find the enjoyment in almost anything. Whether its fighting dragons or dancing in a club or just about anything else he's probably up for it. Know you can leave at anytime tends to lower your inhibitions.


Kevin Cameron had a pretty normal childhood; up till about 14 he didn't even know he was a mutant. Then at 14 he started to notice something was unusual. He would be late for the school bus and running to catch up, then suddenly would be at his bus stop. Or he'd be late to class then find himself at the classroom door. After this happened once too often he was invited to Sky High, and his parents accepted. Once at the school his powers truly started to develop, and with training he could appear or disappear anywhere in sight. After much practice he gained a type of psychic vision where he can with intense concentration picture anyone anywhere in his mind and use that 'image' to get where he needs to be. His true adventures began at 17 when he thought he had full control of his powers and they shifted again. One night he was dreaming about a beach and he woke up to find himself in his boxers, on a private beach in Spain. After that he had many such adventures such as appearing in the middle of an epic battle, that he'd seen on the news the week before, or his time with the Arcadian pixies. Kevin has learned to go with the flow and always have a good time.