Your tricks won't get me, punk--but I got you! I'm the only Superboy trained by Batman! |
— Himself |
What if Kon-El were adopted by Bruce Wayne and became Robin, the Superboy Wonder? That's just what happened when Cadmus Superman clone Experiment 13 from Earth 60, while escaping from the lab, stumbled through a dimensional portal, leading him to our world. Discovered by Batman and trained by Batman, he took up the name Kent Wayne and became a member of "Team Robin."
This is reimagining of the version of
Kon-El who became Batman's sidekick
during the
Hyper-Tension storyline
, but without
Black Zero
being involved.
A world much like our own. Kal-El of Krypton was sent rocketing to Earth as a baby. Bruce Wayne was orphaned as a young boy. Kal-El would come to be known as Clark Kent, secretly operating as Superman. Bruce Wayne would travel the world, training his mind and body to become Batman. They would both make an enemy of a man called Lex Luthor. Through Luthor on that world, the Cadmus Project obtained Superman's genetic material, and they managed to decode the Kryptonian genome well enough to combine it with a human genetic sample. In the flickering pulse of a technological womb, a new life was kindled: Experiment 13.
Experiment 13 was to be either a replacement or rival for Superman, depending on how certain other plans played out. As it was, neither option came to be. Plans were leaked, locations were compromised, and Experiment 13 was freed from his cloning tank, effectively several years ahead of schedule. Roughly equivalent to the physical and psychological age of sixteen, he escaped through a Hypertime portal and into another world--our world. Confused and lost, he flew through the night until he was found and taken in by a hero -- Batman! Bruce Wayne, soon realizing who the clone reminded him of, contacted his good friend, Clark Kent, and they put their heads together. When his life finally began to settle into a shape, the former Experiment 13 would come to be known as Kent Wayne.
Bruce gave the young clone instruction, a sense of purpose, while ensuring that the young clone would benefit also from Clark as a second father figure. Kent was befriended by Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. He ended up becoming yet another member of the unofficial Team Robin. Eventually, he chose to honor both of his "fathers" by keeping the codename Robin but taking up Superman's colors and emblem as an honorary member of the House of El.
The kid has the equivalent of a high school education programmed into his memory, and he has near-perfect recall of this information. Otherwise, he has a healthy knowledge of pop culture and everyday life, as would most teenagers, as well as a growing supply of experience and knowledge based on his activities in the superhero world. Since emerging from the cloning tanks, he's also begun to study and learn things on his own, putting him (despite the expectations of some former teachers) a bit ahead of the curve for a high school student in many areas.
Notably, he also has a basic knowledge of Kryptonian society and culture, as he's been studying these things with a fair amount of dedication since he was adopted into the Super-Family.
Acrobatics - Expert Level
With partial Kryptonian powers and the intense training he received from Bruce and the other Robins, the kid is an expert acrobat. He is extremely limber and flexible, and his skill also pays off both in aerial maneuvers and in combination with his martial arts skill.
Charisma - Competent Level
Simply put, the kid is fairly likable. He's got style, he's got spunk, and he was trained by Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy. He's also attractive, which certainly can't hurt. His overall charisma allows him to exert no small amount of influence over people in general. When the situation calls for it he can be quite persuasive, or even intimidating. Of course being able to juggle tanks certainly helps with the latter. Basically, if he yells "duck" most people will, and if he really wants to know something from someone a few well placed questions and possible shaking their car like a salt shaker tends to get the answers. Or, he can be really scary, and try it Bruce's way.
Detective - Competent Level
Natural intelligence and keen senses make the kid a good candidate for detective work. Training with Batman, the world's greatest detective, has made him into a decent investigator in his own right. While not as gifted as Bruce or Tim, he gets by well enough.
Martial Artist - Expert Level
Trained by Batman and with the partial reflexes of Superman, the modest skills implanted in the kid's memory by Cadmus soon improved to levels he had never imagined, and he is now an expert fighter, capable of holding his own against almost any opponent in unarmed combat, except for against those of the very highest level of training or power. He routinely trains without use of his tactile telekinetic powers, so this Robin has come by his skill almost as honestly as his "brothers."
Stealthy movement and the ability to stay hidden are things that the kid has trained in under Batman's guidance, and his natural reflexes and dexterity have made it come naturally to him. A talent for sleight of hand is involved as well, particularly for palming various gadgetry and whatnot. As a result, the kid is quite accomplished at going unnoticed and leaving very few, if any, traces behind to give evidence of his presence.
Technology - Competent Level
Part of training with Batman means learning the tech side of the job. The kid is good at figuring out and using most kinds of technology, especially utilizing the various Bat-gadgets for their specific purposes. He's also gotten pretty good at computers, though he's not as good as Bruce, Tim, or Batgirl.
Vehicles - Competent Level
The kid is not the accomplished stunt driver that Batman is, but he is capable of driving a car or piloting a boat or aircraft with a fair level of expertise. He has excellent reflexes and instincts, and he has steadily gained experience in this area since becoming a Robin, now able to handle all of the Bat-vehicles without difficulty. He has also flown spacecraft, thanks to a bit of Justice League training.
Weaponry - Competent Level
Since he's been in action, the kid's had extensive training from Batman in the use of his various gadgets and weapons, such as Batarangs, grapnel launchers, etc. Unlike most Robins, though, he tends to eschew armaments, preferring to go bare (well, gloved) knuckle rather than using escrima sticks, gadgets, a bo staff, or similar. Even so, he's quite capable of using weapons when he has to.
Tech: Armored Costume - Enhanced Level
The suit itself is made from an advanced, flexible armor called Nomex, fireproof and heat resistant. The gauntlets and boots feature textured palms and soles for extra gripping, and the palms have reinforced grooves for sliding down a swingline.
Tech: Cape Glider - Basic Level
The suit's cape is made of a special "memory" fabric, hardening into its winged "glider" shape with the touch of a control, and the tips are weighted with lead for use in combat.
Power: Flight - Enhanced Level
The kid is able to fly by manipulating kinetic force around his body, allowing him to safely attain transonic speeds within an atmosphere.
Tech: Heavy Arsenal - Enhanced Level
Robin's heavy arsenal includes: Batarangs (Electro-shock x5, explosive x5), Batclaw (Grapnel gun used as weapon), and Aerosol sprays (IR paint markers, foaming demolition gel, sealant gel, Ver-Sed knockout/amnesiac).
Power: Hybrid Physique - Enhanced Level
The kid's body is a fusion of human and Kryptonian DNA. As a result, he displays many of the powers of a Kryptonian, though he is not as powerful as a Kryptonian of the same age and development would be. Still, his abilities have displayed some particular applications -- such as his tactile telekinesis. Much like a Kryptonian, the kid displays enhanced strength, dexterity, and toughness in addition to his other powers.
Tech: Light Arsenal - Basic Level
Robin's basic arsenal includes: Batarangs (Blunt impact x15, Razor edge x15, Shuriken x20, Remote-control x5), Mini-bolas (x5), Caltrops, Pellets (explosive, freezing, smoke, tear gas, knockout gas, regurgitant), Slingshot (fires pellets at range).
Tech: Mask Sensors - Enhanced Level
Robin's mask connects to miniature communications system, linking him to his vehicles, the Batcave, and several other individual communication frequencies (police scanners, radio, etc.); it houses a directional microphone with high-gain antenna (100m range) and micro-speakers tucked just behind his ears.
The mask also features Starlight night-vision lenses, a field of view display protector in case of sudden flashes, computer HUD and voice control, and infrared lenses.
Power: Regeneration - Enhanced Level
With an increased healing factor, the kid recovers many, many times faster than a normal human being, even one with a very strong immune system. Similarly, the kid is immune to most illnesses as his regeneration actively fights infection on top of his naturally robust health. It allows him to metabolize toxins more quickly, but he is still subject to their initial effects, if usually at a reduced impact. Notably, this power also grants him the same reduced aging process as full Kryptonians, meaning that he likely has quite a long lifespan to look forward to.
Power: Super Senses - Enhanced+ Level
While the kid has not yet developed the enhanced senses of touch, taste, and smell that come naturally to Kryptonians, he has manifested Kryptonian super-vision and super-hearing.
When he concentrates, the kid can see at one mile the same level of detail that a person with 20/20 vision could see at ten feet. With much greater concentration, he can use this to mimic microscopic vision, seeing up to 1,000 times magnification. To do so requires exact muscle control, and due to his partially human DNA the kid lacks the instincts that govern it and must control the power consciously, so it does take a fair amount of effort.
He can hear at a quarter mile what a normal Human can at ten feet. His hearing also operates at a greater range in terms of pitch, as he can perceive sonar, dog whistles, and other sounds out of the range of human perception. He can follow specific sounds up to several miles away if he knows what to listen for, able to tune out other noises as needed. Fortunately, his toughness and force field also grant him immunity to damage from most loud noises, but they can still be pretty annoying. Bright flashes are worse, but his mask helps with that.
Power: Super Speed - Enhanced Level
As part of the kid's enhanced physique, he can move and run at more than two hundred miles per hour, giving him reflexes roughly 250 times those of someone with an otherwise identical physique.
Power: Tactile Telekinesis - Enhanced+ Level
The kid's tactile telekinesis functions in several distinct ways. First, it allows him to exert force to affect objects in essentially the same ways any other telekinetic could, save that he must be touching the objects. He can also use this power on himself, and while conscious he almost always does, wrapping himself in a field that enhances his effective strength rating nearly to Supreme levels at its current upper limits.
This power can be focused into attacks while moving through solid objects, such as creating a shockwave through a solid floor, or to explode outward in a "bomb blast" effect. It also makes disassembling objects with many pieces, such as technology, quite easy to do. Putting them back together again, though, becomes a bit of a problem, as he can't touch all those pieces at once.
Finally, The kid's tactile telekinetic force field augments his defenses. As a result, when his force field is up at full power, the kid can shrug off many attacks and withstand almost all conventional weaponry. It exists micrometers above his skin, just far enough to protect all of his person and any tight-fitting garments or objects he may be wearing. When he concentrates, he can also maintain enough atmosphere within his personal field to survive in extreme environments -- such as even the vacuum of space -- for extended periods of time, just so long as he remains conscious. His force field has various limitations, as detailed in his weaknesses.
Tech: Utility Belt - Basic Level
Robin's utility belt contains: Digital microcamera w/500m zoom, First aid kit, Handcuffs, Laser torch, Mini-computer w/holo-display, Rebreather/gas-mask, Grapnel Gun/jumplines (200m range), Mini crime lab.
Tracers: These are small adhesive discs which operate on a GPS tracking frequency monitored by the Batcomputer. They can be monitored within inches of accuracy unless disabled or shielded from the GPS network.
Universal Tool: Concealed within a compact hammer, this tool kit contains wire cutters/strippers; a diamond-tipped drill; electronic lockpicks and computer port adapters; and screwdrivers, wrench tips, and similar small tools.
The kid has a number of useful associates, contacts, and allies upon whom he can rely. These include various police contacts, Internet resources, and others. Most notably, this includes Batman and his allies, such as Alfred Pennyworth and the other Robins.
Robin has potential access to any of Batman's vehicles, but these were designed specifically for his own use. Like Batman's vehicles, these have state-of-the-art combat systems with a full range of sensory capabilities, comlinks to the Batcave mainframe, stealth mode to allow them to move in effective silence, and heavy armor with virtually no loss in maneuverability. Each carries an arsenal of weapons, generally equipped with more creative, less deadly gadgets like oil slicks and smoke screens.
The kid has access to a managed trust fund set up by Bruce Wayne. When he is of legal age, he will inherit enough money to live comfortably without needing to worry about income.
Due to being a primarily telekinetic projection, the kid's force field is at half effectiveness against energy-based attacks.
To maintain his force field, the kid must be conscious. Thus, if he loses consciousness at any point, he will cease focusing his force field and it will vanish immediately, leaving him with reduced protection.
By default, the kid's field is not air tight, ensuring that he doesn't run out of air in there. While he can tighten his force field enough to keep out gasses or other particles, he has to have already tightened up his field ahead of time, before being hit with such an attack, and then he is limited to an hour or so of oxygen before it begins to run low.
The kid's Kryptonian genetics are vulnerable to this nasty stuff, though maybe only at about seventy-five percent the level of a typical Kryptonian. However, it is possible that as his powers increase, so will his intolerance to this substance. Upon exposure to Kryptonite, the kid will initially begin to feel mild signs of sickness. Symptoms include muscle fatigue, headache, and nausea. Prolonged exposure beyond a few minutes begins to cause his powers to ebb, and his body begins to take on effects of Kryptonite poisoning. If he's exposed for over an hour, he will become listless, weak, and enter a comatose state. Exposure will not kill him, at this point, but it will make him violently ill and render him powerless.
The kid will do nearly anything for those he cares about. No risk or sacrifice is too great, and he would readily die to protect someone he loves. Because of the responsibility he feels, this is only made even more true. No matter how invulnerable the kid may become outside, he will always be vulnerable within through his ties to the people he cares about.
The kid requires the energy of a yellow star or brighter (blue, white, etc.) in order to maintain his powers. Typical usage in daily activities of his powers, even in fighting other meta-humans, doesn't seem to cause a noticeable strain on his solar reserve unless the fight lasts a very long time, such as over an hour. At that time the kid would appear severely winded, much like a trained runner at the end of a sprinted footrace. His powers would begin to ebb at this point as his solar charge would be diminishing, but even at this rate the change would be hardly perceptible in day to day activities given the scale he typically operates on. However, a total lack of sunlight would cause him to lose his powers within a matter of days, perhaps a week if he used them minimally. Under these circumstances, it could take up to a week before his powers would begin to return unless extraordinary means were taken to supercharge them to bring them back up to power once again.