Kel Taurandir

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Full Name:
Kelvaril Taurandir
Kel Wanderwood
Friend of the Wilds
Born Kelvaril Taurandir, he is as readily known as Kel Wanderwood.

Traveling the wilds of Arcadia, he has been known to spend time in most parts of the world. He especially favors the forests, such as the elven nation of Sylvania and the Omenwood and its environs to the north.

He does not eschew civilization, but neither does he reside there.

Often accompanied by animal companions, he is a friend to Nature and to those who treat it with respect.


Long years ago, a human knight from Altur was joined by an elven mystic from Sylvania on a quest to the distant south. On their journey, they are said to have confronted evil creatures and done good in the world, offering aid to those they met. Her blade and shield offered defense, and his magics offered healing and protection. These same offered great harm to those who would harm the world. After one of their many journeys, they returned to Sylvania, accompanied by their child, whom they had named Kelvaril Taurandir.

When they departed upon dangerous adventures, the child was left in the company of relatives in Sylvania or Altur, but he would always disappear into the forest before long, only to return regularly, especially to reunite with his parents. After he came of age, his parents went on another extended quest, and he began to wander the wilds on his own. While his path differs from his parents, he still seeks adventure and love as well, and just as his parents before him, he has set out to do good in the world.