Keir Shevchenko

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Full Name:
Keir Shevchenko
Lone Wolf
Young Adult
Mixed-race wolf dude looking to make a place for himself. A known troublemaker, he's been sent to the area to connect with his father's family so they might deal with him.


Keir is a confused young man, constantly given mixed moral signals most of his life. He wants to be a good person, because who doesn't, but his violent impulsiveness wrecks that ideal most times. About the only thing going for him is that he was able to find a mentor to help him realize what he was and how to tap his abilities when he was a teen. At least he doesn't have the nightmares and bloody episides of a person who /doesn't/ know he's a werwwolf to deal with. Keir has that deep burning werewolf need to belong, to have a familiy, a pack, but do far he has not had one. His father used him and then abandoned him. His mother saw him as a nuisance and possibly a source of magical ingredients. His 'uncles' want to use his physique and wobbly moral compass to enrich themselves. With all that, Keir has trust issues.


Keir's mother was a witch and his father a werewolf. He was born in a run-down section of Constanta, Romania, but he was kidnapped away by his father when he was seven. After that, his Bratva-connected Ukranian father used him as a mule to smuggle drugs and artifacts out of Eastern Europe. Life would be lavish one day, in the gutter the next. Lots of violence and moving around until he was fifteen or so made the boy distrustful and angry. So when his father was severely injured in a gun battle in New York City, NY CPS scooped up Keir and dumped him into the foster system. Things went downhill from there, as Keir seemed to attract the exact wrong sorts of 'parents', most of whom wanted to sacrifice him to the Elder God of their choice. Finally he aged out of The System and was dumped on the street. Thankfully by now he could change, and so being a homeless vagrant was not nearly as bad as it could have been. Eventually, he was able to make his way north to distant relatives. Unfortunately for him, those relatives were also cartel members who want to rope him into their 'pack' and use his abilities to enrich themselves. The pull and allure of 'family' is almost too strong for him to resist. Can he?

Keir has lived most of his life in 'la vida loco'. He knows the general habits and means of various types of criminal behavior from this, particularly Eastern European drug trade and human traffickers. He can hotwire almost anything in seconds. He can drive a getaway car with astonishing competance for a man his age. He's had to mostly educate himself, save some of the public schooling he got when he was in the foster system. He knows something of the supernatural world from what his father was able to teach him, so he knows the types of things and places to avoid or seek out. He has had no contact with his mother since he was ten, when she tracked them to a hotel and proceeded to set most of it on fire as she sought to kill his father. He has had little or no contact with his father for the last six years. Dad of course lived through his massive wounds and is now looking for his boy once more. Having tasted freedom and also the idea that he might not need to be a criminal all his life. Keir is not sure he wants the man to find him.