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Full Name:
The Lioness
Patron of Protection and Justice
Patron of Protection and Justice
Katarr is the ancient goddess of protection and justice. She is most often depicted as an enormous lioness, the size of most horses, or occasionally as an armor-clad Dwarven woman, who carries with her at all times a ledger almost as large as she is.

Katarr is said to keep in her ledger an accounting of every deed of every living creature in the history of the world.


Many of the temples dedicated to Katarr were built by Undermount's most gifted craftsmen. All such temples are sturdy and magnificent, embodying a simple beauty and artistry unique to each individual builder. In some cases, descendants of the original builders watch over the temples, each with their family in a home nearby, sometimes attached directly to the temple. All who guard the temples of Katarr must allow anyone wishing guidance to speak to them, and they must give counsel where council is needed to settle disputes and aid those in need of justice.

Holy Day

The holy day of Katarr, the Day of Ruling, is celebrated almost exclusively by the Dwarves. It is a part of a week-long meet of Dwarven nobility, during which trade and marriage negotiations were traditionally made, tournaments are held, and there is much feasting to be had. On the last day of the meet, the nobility gather so that representatives from each family can discuss matters of state with the Dwarven king and queen. They also bring forth on this day all matters needing judgment, matters of criminals and disputes they were not able to take before the temples of Katarr, to be judged by the rulers. Any judgment or ruling made on this day was treated as the law of the goddess, and to this day the tradition endures, though the invocation of Katarr is now a mere formality, a nod to the old ways. Even so, it has been thousands of years since any dared challenge such a ruling. This time is usually held in the early spring, though the exact date varies each year.