Karl Danvers

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Full Name:
Karl Lee Danvers
Student at Sky High, Superhero
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— Himself
Karl is a gender-shifted version of Supergirl, and in this incarnation he is one of the many members of the Super family.


Karl is very earnest and eager to please. He has the same sense of work and dedication as his cousin, Clark Kent. Though as Superlad he can seem very confident, under his alter ego, Karl, he is much shier and less likely to put himself forward. This is partially so he doesn't reveal his powers, but mostly just who he is when he isn't out saving people.


Kar-El was born the son of Zor-El on Argo City, a colony of Krypton's. Sent in a rocket as a teenager to Earth, warping space-time slowed his arrival for many years, so that he did not arrive on the planet until his baby cousin, Kal-El, who was also sent out in a rocket by Zor-El's brother, Jor-El, was a grown adult. He has come to serve as a member of Team Superman on Earth, having adopted a similar codename to the one previously used by Conner Kent. When out of costume, Kar spent most of his time as Karl Lee Danvers, A shy "cousin" of the Kents and spent a year at Smallville High being offered the chance at a normal life. He finally decided to transfer to Sky High to learn to be a hero, as well as being taught more about various earth cultures and behaviors.