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Full Name:
Protégé of Aquaman
Young Adult
Quote-open.png We will make our own fun, as we have been trained. Quote-close.png
— Himself
A former protege of Aquaman, Kaldur has served as the team leader of a group of other young heroes before deciding to go solo. He was a student Conservatory of Sorcery in Poseidonis and is a well-established superhero.


Kaldur is level-headed and almost always thinks things through before ever speaking. He is soft-spoken and speaks with formality and respect to anyone he engages in conversation with. He tries to see the good in people and his extremely loyal to those he cares about. During his time while he worked undercover in the Light, trying to bring down that criminal organization, he found he could also be ruthless and even brutal quite easily. This fact makes him leery of letting himself do so again.


Kaldur'ahm was raised by foster parents in the Atlantean city of Shayeris, but is the son of Black Manta. After enrolling in military service, he was transferred to the Conservatory of Sorcery to study under Queen Mera. After aiding Aquaman against Ocean Master, the king took him as his sidekick and protégé where he became the latest to use the name Aqualad.

Kaldur was a loyal sidekick, and remains loyal to the king, but has since ventured out on his own. During his superhero career Aqualad has been the team leader of a group of former sidekicks also working independently of their mentors, as well as infiltrating his father's organization, the Light, in order to take it down. As a result of this, he became an honorary member of the Justice League.

His "honorary" status with the Justice League has only reminded him of his need to prove his worth amongst the other heroes. He is currently working as a solo hero in hopes of doing just that. He retains his codename of Aqualad in honor of his mentor and his time with The Team.