This is the entry for the Kal-El from Earth 69, AKA Clark Castle, AKA Super-Punisher, who was raised in New York City by his adopted family, the Castles. (Inspired by
The Punisher of Earth-89124
Raised as Clark Castle, Kal-El was the adopted younger brother of secret agent Frank Castle. Frank was known for having a perfect track record: not a single person ever died in any mission he ever carried out. He and his family were nearly the victims of a Mafia hit, but Frank's adopted brother Clark was there at the time, and he protected them from being harmed. Jail and prison, he reasoned, had only made worse criminals of these men, leading them to violence. What if, instead, someone had offered them a helping hand, a little firm correction to put them on the right path? That is to say, they needed punishment. Now, the Super-Punisher seeks out those who need a firm hand and does his best to show them the error of their ways, hoping to set them on a wiser path in the future. His one-time lover, Wonder Warrior, even took him before the gods, and he was blessed by the Goddess of Justice, Themis, to help him on his quest. When he came to believe his world was safe enough, Clark set out on his never-ending journey to make every world a better place, traveling to Superia.
Clark Castle now lives in Superia. He has made contact with Superia's Super-Family, but he mainly wanders from place to place, seeking people he can help, whether that means protecting them, helping them with chores around the house, or administering some good, firm punishment to set them on the right path!
As noted in
A Superman for All Seasons, there are a number of different
Kal-Els on Earth from across
Hypertime. This character is one of those alternate versions. To contribute in different ways to the game and explore a few different versions of the character, Superman's player has obtained staff permission to run different versions of the character from the aforementioned advantage. The different Hypertime variant Kal-Els being played will be depicted as different character forms, viewable under different forms. The story and information behind each form will be explained in entries linked below. Please contact Clark's player with any questions!
Super-Punisher is in excellent physical shape, even without consideration of his super powers.
Super-Punisher was trained extensively by his secret agent older brother, Frank Castle. Beyond merely learning to fight, much of this means having learned specific control. For Clark, this training has meant as much the ability not to cause excess injury to others as it has to actually defeat opponents. Super-Punisher is very experienced with his suite of powers and as such can execute one after another knowing how to combine strength, speed, heat vision, chilling breath, and his environment to overwhelm even the most powerful foes and mitigate the possibility of injury to others.
Diplomacy - Competent Level
Super-Punisher is a talented diplomat capable of settling disputes between rival world powers with some active-listening and directed conversation. Truthfully, this is equal parts charisma and psychology, but often enough he has to settle for a more hands-on solution.
Clark was educated by the teachings left to him by his biological father, Jor-El. As such, he is well-versed in Kryptonian history, culture, and sociopolitics. Clark of course speaks the language of his home, including a fair approximation of the Daxamite dialect and certain other alien tongues. He has also made an extensive study of the languages of his adoptive home planet, Earth.
Observation - Expert Level
Super-Punisher is exceptionally observant, allowing him to take full advantage of his enhanced senses when it comes to perceiving the world around him.
Psychology - Competent Level
Clark Castle has a degree in psychology and was licensed as a therapist on Earth 69. However, as a rogue therapist who operates outside the law, many of his more unconventional therapies--y'know, that whole punishment thing--have left him rather on the outs with the psychology profession. Even so, this helps him out in his work.
Science - Competent Level
A very basic Kryptonian education granted Clark Castle a working knowledge of science, though he never studied as extensively as many other versions of Kal-El have.
Since finesse is helpful in avoiding excessive force, Super-Punisher has become an expert at moving unseen and unheard. This helps him avoid unneccessary conflict and allows him to better assess a situation and take a measured approach to handling it, rather than charging in blindly or recklessly.
Clark has an exceptionally strong will, and after several bad experiences with being mentally influenced, he has undergone extensive training with various allies. As a result, it is now virtually impossible to affect him with mind-control or other mental compulsion. This gives him no protection from direct mental attacks, which he weathers about as well as a strong-willed human being.
Power: Breath - Enhanced Level
Clark can create a number of effects by expelling air through his lips. He can cause heat dissipation, super-cooling the air like an arctic wind, able to rapidly freeze objects up to the size of a large armored vehicle. The air can be released at normal temperature or in rapid gusts or blasts, akin to gale force winds. Clark's tremendous breath control also allows him to pull in oxygen through his nose while cycling it back out through his mouth, thus keeping up a sustained breath effect, or to hold his breath for nearly an entire day before needing to take in additional oxygen. This allows him to travel through space or underwater for extended periods.
Power: Flight - Supreme Level
Clark is able to fly by manipulating kinetic force around his body, allowing him to attain hypersonic speeds within an atmosphere. Outside of an atmosphere, he can attain much greater speeds.
Power: Heat Vision - Enhanced Level
Clark can utilize stored solar energy to affect heat diffusion. While his breath can dissipate heat, his eyes can focus it, allowing him to expel beams of heat at any target in his line of sight.
Power: Invulnerability - Supreme Level
Clark's molecular density is greater than that of a normal human, but even more key to his invulnerability is a micro-thin force field that encloses his body. The field does not prohibit Clark from touching, tasting, or otherwise interacting with the world, but it does filter out harmful effects, antigens, and nearly anything that might damage him physically. With access to solar radiation from a star of yellow or greater intensity, Clark also heals very rapidly and completely, allowing him to regenerate from nearly any harm, even many "fatal" injuries. The force field can also be projected a short distance outside his body, protecting anything held very close to him, such as his clothing or a person or object held close against his body.
Super-Punisher's unique Kryptonian physiology empowers him in many ways. Most of these abilities are granted by the presence of solar energy from what he often refers to casually as a "yellow sun." Technically, stars of the ideal class are G-type in the blue-white through yellow spectrum. This is bolstered by his increased molecular density, making him mildly more durable than a human being even when de-powered. Clark's Kryptonian brain also makes him vastly more intelligent than most humans, and most of his powers are psychokinetically focused by that specialized Kryptonian brain. When empowered by solar radiation, Clark is also immune to all known forms of illness or disease, and only requires an average of two hours of sleep per night to function at peak efficiency.
Blessed by the Goddess of Justice, Themis, Super-Punisher enjoys a few additional perks. This does not grant him additional raw power, but it adjusts the way his powers work. For instance, whenever wields a weapon, it becomes an instrument of punishment, not of violence. A gun might become a grapnel gun to capture a target safely, while a sword might become an indestructible paddle--but no weapon he wields will inflict lethal force or even lasting injury. The very worst it might do is temporarily incapacitate, but the target will always recover and be just fine afterward. This also grants him increased resistance to mental effects and negates his Kryptonian weakness to magic, thanks to Themis' blessing. In fact, his abilities work against magical beings and powers just as if he were using magic, himself. However, it also gave him certain limitations. He is bound by the Rules of Justice.
Power: Senses - Supreme Level
Clark's senses are psychokinetically augmented by the solar energies within him. This allows him to see as far as the curvature of the Earth allows, to pick out sounds miles away and both hear and see in wavelengths far beyond the human perceptible range. This includes the ability to hear the entire range of audible sound and to see along the entire infrared spectrum. The clarity of his vision is also microscopic as well as telescopic, allowing him to see the structure of matter down to the atomic level.
As a Kryptonian, Clark absorbs solar energy from stars of yellow intensity or greater, such as Earth's sun. This energy is stored within his body, serving as a power source for his race's latent psychokinetic abilities. Unlike a true psychic, Kryptonian powers operate by instinct and physical focus, taking the form if such abilities as are described throughout these traits. If Clark's solar energies are depleted, he can be rendered nearly as powerless as an ordinary human, though his molecular density still grants him modestly enhanced strength and toughness.
Power: Strength - Supreme Level
Clark's strength is enhanced via a tactile telekinetic field that extends to any object he touches. This field grants the vast majority of his invulnerability to damage, and it also allows him to exert much greater physical force than most other beings. In addition, this field grants stability to whatever he touches, allowing him to perform such feats as picking up an airplane by an otherwise fragile wing or to use a lamp pole as a viable weapon, where it would otherwise shatter in his hands if he forcefully swung it at anything. Clark's solar reserves also grant him effectively limitless stamina and sustenance, allowing him to subsist with minimal rest or nutrition for weeks at a time.
Power: Super Speed - Enhanced Level
Though his speed is modest by the standards of a Speed Force user, Clark is still capable of moving at supersonic land speeds within the Earth's atmosphere. He is able to perform various physical tasks at roughly one hundred times the speed of a human in optimal physical condition.
A Superman For All Seasons
Clark Kent, AKA Superman, AKA Kal-El of Krypton, is a native of Earth 1, also known as Superia. However, in his various adventures he has come to know a number of other versions of Kal-El from other Earths via Hypertime. These individuals are in some cases long-term residents of Superia, while in other cases they may travel back and forth from their native reality. This could be a veritable "Legion of Supermen," but in reality they are not at Clark's beck and call. Each tends to be off doing his own thing. They may appear in scenes (A Superman for All Seasons), but only one version of Kal-El will appear in any given scene without a specific, staff-approved plot reason.
Clark Castle grew up with a very supportive family, but the Super-Family is even more so. This version of Clark isn't the closest to the other Super-Family members, but he could call on them in a pinch and perhaps utilize some of their resources. As Clark lacks much in the way of personal resources, the Super-Family also helps him get by with paying for the essentials, though Clark takes as little from them as possible.
Super-Punisher is hated by villains everywhere, especially by those who he comes into contact most with. There are a handful of evildoers who would be more than happy to put a permanent stop to Clark Castle's quest for Justice.
When Krypton was destroyed, some of the planet's matter was charged with radioactive energy from its star, Rao, interacting with the crystalline material of Krypton's planetary body. The end result was the gemlike green substance known as "Kryptonite." The molecular and radioactive properties of Kryptonite make it harmful to Kryptonian cells, thus making it harmful and toxic to them. If Clark is struck by a Kryptonite weapon, he will be harmed as a normal mortal would. Even being near Kryptonite causes him to feel physically ill.
However, the rate of recovery once removed from the emissions is as rapid as the rate of damage, and Clark will be back to normal in under an hour after exposure if he can directly absorb enough solar energy. Kryptonite radiation can be blocked by lead or super-dense materials. Clark routinely undergoes Kryptonite serum treatments of his own design. As a result, the toxic effects of Kryptonite are much reduced for him. It can still harm him when used as a weapon, but it takes much longer for the toxic effects to weaken him, and even if they do, he is much more likely to be incapacitated than killed.
There are other, rarer forms of Kryptonite as well, such as red Kryptonite, which induces bizarre effects for a period of about twenty-four hours, or gold Kryptonite, which temporarily suppresses most Kryptonian powers in a manner similar to red solar radiation.
Super-Punisher bases his interactions with the public and criminals on a strict moral code that forces him to uphold truth, justice, and due process. He has vowed to never kill and will often attempt to find the diplomatic solution until it is clear that will not work, or if someone is in imminent harm.
Super-Punisher has no secret identity, so he finds himself never truly able to escape the call of duty. This suits him fine, but it means he seldom gets a break!
Clark requires solar energy to function at peak capacity, or his powers fade to greatly reduced levels or disappear entirely if his solar reserves are empty. Clark cannot absorb energy from the lower frequency of orange K-type stars, and the radiation from red M-type stars actually disrupts his absorption process. Under the light of such a star, he will begin to lose his power at a slow but steady rate. Within a few hours of such conditions, he will be effectively drained of his powers.
Clark's strength and speed, as well as his heat vision and even his super breath, are limited in how he may use them. The Rules of Justice to which he is bound indicate that he cannot use excessive power against others. As such, if Clark faces a foe who lacks powers or only has them at a Basic level, then he is limited to Basic+ strength and speed and his heat vision and super breath are reduced to Basic level. Against foes who have Enhanced level powers, Clark is limited to Enhanced+ Strength and Enhanced level speed, heat vision, and super breath. To use his full strength, he must face a foe who is reasonably of Supreme power level. Even then, he physically cannot use excessive force. He is bound to always restrain himself to such force as would cause no serious injury or harm, only stop or incapacitate his enemies.