Kal-El (Earth 69)

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This is the Earth 69 version of Kal-El. You can check the Superman disambiguation page for more information.


Full Name:
Kal-El, Clark M. Castle
The Super-Punisher
Disciplinarian of Steel
This is the entry for the Kal-El from Earth 69, AKA Clark Castle, AKA Super-Punisher, who was raised in New York City by his adopted family, the Castles. (Inspired by The Punisher of Earth-89124Reminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. Click here to refer to the game's theme and canon guidelines!.)

Raised as Clark Castle, Kal-El was the adopted younger brother of secret agent Frank Castle. Frank was known for having a perfect track record: not a single person ever died in any mission he ever carried out. He and his family were nearly the victims of a Mafia hit, but Frank's adopted brother Clark was there at the time, and he protected them from being harmed. Jail and prison, he reasoned, had only made worse criminals of these men, leading them to violence. What if, instead, someone had offered them a helping hand, a little firm correction to put them on the right path? That is to say, they needed punishment. Now, the Super-Punisher seeks out those who need a firm hand and does his best to show them the error of their ways, hoping to set them on a wiser path in the future. His one-time lover, Wonder Warrior, even took him before the gods, and he was blessed by the Goddess of Justice, Themis, to help him on his quest. When he came to believe his world was safe enough, Clark set out on his never-ending journey to make every world a better place, traveling to Superia.

Clark Castle now lives in Superia. He has made contact with Superia's Super-Family, but he mainly wanders from place to place, seeking people he can help, whether that means protecting them, helping them with chores around the house, or administering some good, firm punishment to set them on the right path!


As noted in A Superman for All Seasons, there are a number of different Kal-Els on Earth from across Hypertime. This character is one of those alternate versions. To contribute in different ways to the game and explore a few different versions of the character, Superman's player has obtained staff permission to run different versions of the character from the aforementioned advantage. The different Hypertime variant Kal-Els being played will be depicted as different character forms, viewable under different forms. The story and information behind each form will be explained in entries linked below. Please contact Clark's player with any questions!