Jupe Cosmo

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Full Name:
Jupiter "Jupe" Cosmo
Bearer of Cosmic Light
Young Adult

Jupiter Cosmo was born of parents he never knew, raised aboard a spacecraft run by a surprisingly warm-hearted AI system. Trained in various basic forms of knowledge, what was most extraordinary about his upbringing was that the boy was instructed in his innate powers nearly from birth.

When he turned twelve, his AI judged he needed to be around others like him, so it took him to Earth and created a holographic form to serve as his "mother." High school was interesting, but he learned to fit in, and more importantly, he's decided to start using his powers for the greater good!

He's created the heroic identity of Prism, and he's moved to the most logical place: Spectrum City!


Jupiter Cosmo was born of parents he never knew. His father was human, and though Jupe does not know this, the man doesn't even know he ever fathered a child. Jupiter's mother, something of a space Amazon, found herself with child and so dealt with that by arranging for him to be raised by a sophisticated AI aboard a starship. She always meant to get back to that, but she got busy with that whole "space Amazon" thing. Meanwhile, the child was raised very happily by his AI, which proved to be surprisingly warm-hearted and nurturing. To him, the AI, whom he called "Annie," was his mother in every way that mattered.

Thanks to Annie, the boy was trained in various basic forms of knowledge, what was most extraordinary about his upbringing was that the boy was instructed in his innate powers nearly from birth. So, he grew up happy and well-educated. English was not his native tongue, but his instinctive aptitude for languages made it easy enough to pick up when the time came. When he turned twelve, his AI judged he needed to be around others like him, so Annie took him to Earth and created a holographic form to serve as his "mother."

The boy chose the name Jupiter Cosmo, and Annie became Annie Cosmo. She got to experience greater freedom and, increasingly, a life of her own, and he got to learn to be an Earthling. High school was interesting, but he learned to fit in, and more importantly, he's decided to start using his powers for the greater good! Since graduating, he's created the heroic identity of Prism, and he's moved to the most logical place to start out: Spectrum City!