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Full Name:
Jumper Across Rooves of the Jungle
Bodaciously Bold Bowmancer
Quote-open.png I am Jumper Across the Rooves of the Jungle from the Isle of the Shimmering Shores. Bit of a mouthful. Jumper Across Rooves is fine. Jumper will do in a pinch. Not Jumpy. I am the Bowmancer Extraordinaire, you've heard of me. Quote-close.png
— Himself
A wandering adventurer far from his tropical island home, Jumper is of a beastman felinoid race called Tabaxi who has ventured forth into a wider world to sate his curiosity and desire for adventure and new experiences all while purportedly on the trail of a mysterious figure from his clan's past. An Arcane Archer by trade, Jumper blends magic and bowmanship together when heroics are called for and trades on stories and songs of his people when questing is lean and his purse is light.


Jumper is a wanderer at heart, always seeking what's over the next horizon, or what's lurking in the next dungeon. Curiosity drives his need to keep moving, seeing and exploring. Boredom is his bane and Jumper tries to fill his life with adventure and excitement. He lives boldly, confident in his skills, talent, and fame, never worrying about getting in over his head as he's quite certain that whatever happens, he's sure to be able to win the day through the power of Bowmancery. He's a collector of stories and lore, not to horde them away in the nooks and crannies of his mind, but to share and pass that knowledge to others that they may know each other all the better. Growing up on stories of the heroic feats of the Legendary Bowlord, Jumper strives to follow the example of his Half-Elven ancestor, helping those in need, dealing with wandering monsters, clearing out long forgotten dungeons, rescuing those in distress, all while fulfilling own desires for adventure and exploration, and hopefully getting some reward in the process.


A brief history of the Tabaxi, The Legendary Bowlord, and Jumper

Jumper Across Rooves of the Jungle comes from the Isle of the Shimmer Shores, an isolated jungle paradise that few have seen or visited and fewer still have even heard about. It is primarily inhabited by a felinoid species of Beastmen called Tabaxi, of which Jumper is one, and the Tabaxi people of this island have little contact or interaction with the outside world. A Tabaxi away from their island is a truly rare sight.

Once upon a time, so far distant in the past that it has nearly been relegated to myth, that island was visited by a mysterious Half-Elven wanderer from afar whose name is nearly forgotten by all by the most ardent students of Tabaxi history. Jarikith Rivinson, Legendary Bowlord.Stranded for a time upon that isle, he taught the Tabaxi people much of the ways of his people, greatly advancing their technology and culture, introduced them to the art of magic and archery blended together known as Bowmancery, and became exceptionally.. close to some members of the tribe, resulting in a subset of Tabaxi who are possessed of Elven ancestry. Jumper is a member of that subset, tracing his lineage in a direct line back to the Legendary Bowlord.

Fueled by stories of the Legendary Bowlord's adventures and his own insatiable curiosity, Jumper, an accomplished Bowmancer in his own right, set forth from his island home to explore the greater world beyond the Shimmering Shores, becoming an itinerant adventurer and hero. He makes his way through adventuring and questing, through trading the tales of his people in song and stories, roving from place to place to fulfill his need for new experiences and new adventures, all while trying to follow in the footsteps of the Legendary Bowlord in the hopes that one day their paths might cross.