Joshua Morgan

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Full Name:
Joshua Morgan
Multiversal Adventurer
Quote-open.png There are two things that every universe has a shortage of: justice and good coffee. Quote-close.png
— Himself
The son of the Warlord of Skartaris, dimensional wanderer and would-be hero. Joshua is a crusader in search of a cause. Or causes.


A combination of 21st century slacker and fantasy world minor noble. He's friendly, kind and genuinely feels a need protect people. On the other hand, he's also cocky, considers himself of 'noble blood' and tends to problem solve in ways more akin to a renaissance courtier, rather than a straight forward dude bro. 'Good' does not always mean 'nice' or 'honest'.


Joshua has a screwed up childhood, but not one that has left him too traumatized to enjoy life. His father and mother were the rulers of a 'hollow world' pocket dimension called Skartaris, though his father, Travis Morgan, the Warlord, is a native of Earth 1. Shortly after Josh's birth, he was kidnapped by his father's nemesis, Deimos the Sorcerer, who intended to raise him to kill his parents, raising him in yet another pocket realm with slow time compared to Skartaris.

Deimos's plans were derailed when Josh's sister, Jennifer, who is a sorceress of cosmic power, found him and brought him out of captivity, aged up older than him because of the time difference. Jennifer did not, take Josh back home. One of her gifts is Chronomancy and her view of the future allowed her to see that if Joshua and Travis were reunited, Josh would kill his father. To avoid that fate, Jennifer moved Josh through the multiverse, keeping him ahead of Deimos and the Warlord's other enemies.

Raised in fantasy worlds, modern day worlds, worlds with superheroes and more, Josh has been fostered and trained by a series of martial arts and magic experts. Jennifer's hope is to one day have him come home as a protector of the realm... after the current Warlord dies of old age. It is a bit bitter being an exile but Josh is well aware of the amazing advantages of his lineage and upbringing. His father is a hero and thus Josh wants to be one as well, upholding a legacy that he idolizes from afar.