Jordan Parrish

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Full Name:
Jordan Parrish
Helldog, The Hellhound
Guardian of the Supernatural
"Fire" by Barns Courtney
Quote-open.png I'm a Hellhound. I have the word 'Hell' in my name. Hell. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Former vessel of the Hellhound calling itself Cerberus, the Sheriff's deputy had to step down to keep his role as Guardian of the Supernatural from interfering too much in mundane affairs. Without Cerberus inhabiting his body, Parrish still pursues threats to expose the supernatural world, though now with a more human view of things.


Guardian: His whole life, Parrish has had a deep-seated need to protect others. And as he matured, he was completely willing to sacrifice himself to do so. He became an Explosive Ordinance Technician in the Army, became a Sheriff's Deputy after being discharged, and when he was exposed to the Supernatural and discovered his role as vessel for a Hellhound, he gave up his personal life in the normal realm to protect the Mundane and Supernatural worlds from each other.

Open-Minded and Patient: Parrish doesnt tend to dismiss things easily. He was quick to accept the Supernatural and quick to acclimate to the knowledge he is a Supernatural creature. He's not quick to judge others, often accepting people for who they are and attempting to convert others to the side of good rather than dismissing them as irredeemable. He's not blind in this area though, especially when people are put in danger, and will use full Hellhound fire and force if necessary.

Charming: Parrish is genuinely kind and caring and quick to smile and laugh. He might be a bit of a goody-two-shoes, but he's not stuck up or frigid about it. He's taken on more of a loveable roguish charm lately after letting his mundane life behind.

Control: While he's not one to be controlling of others, Parrish prefers to have a plan and hates feeling helpless. He doesn't like feeling in the dark, and has a bad habit of obsessing over details to the point he overwhelms himself. He can become anxious and frightened when he doesn't know what's going on, especially with himself. He's far more confident when he feels he's in the know and has a handle on things.


Born in an all-American town in some out of the way place in the space between the coasts, Jordan Parrish lived as an all-American boy and an all-American teen, who joined the Army as an explosive ordinance disposal technician. He was saved from death by and possessed by a Hellhound spirit, and left the Army, joined a Sheriff's department in California, where he was supernaturally drawn to. He got into some supernatural hijinks, comerged with the Hellhound calling itself Cerberus that was using him to do its duty to protect the Supernatural, took down a group of rogue Ghost Riders, left his job as a Sheriff's deputy, and holed up in a portion of an extradimensional space Cerberus ripped away from the Ghost Riders' realm. All that was subjected to a curse that whittled down his life to a very simplistic and inoculous background. A simple boy, a wandering man, with little in the way of personal history. Family barely knows him, his life as a military technician and Sheriff's deputy erased. Soon after, Cerberus admitted that it had been afflicted with a malady it couldn't deal with while possessing Parrish and acting in the mortal realm. Cerberus and Parrish parted ways when Cerberus sacrificed its place in the mundane realm so it could recover and so Parrish could live and take up the mantles of Harbinger of Death and Guardian of the Supernatural in its stead. No longer with Cerberus's guidance (nor with its influences of inhuman callousness) and from his new 'lair,' Parrish now covers up cases of overt supernatural nature, or finds supernaturals who are new to the game to lead them to someone who can take care of them, and tries to prevent the deaths his premonitions show him.