Jimmy Olsen

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Full Name:
James Bartholomew Olsen
Jimmy Olsen
#1 Photographer
Young Adult
Jimmy Olsen is a well-known photographer and cub reporter for the Daily Planet. Despite this designation, he is an award-winning journalist and even has something of a following. He's also Superman's best friend.


Jimmy is a typically optimistic, hopeful type, who is a humanitarian at heart. He possesses an ultimately heroic soul, even though he has no regular special powers. Perhaps that's why, when he does gain superhuman abilities, he adapts to them so easily and so well. He tends to believe the best of people in general, and he works hard to try and build up the good and the right; he is willing to give everything to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and his most profound belief is in the fundamental goodness of people.

Even though he sometimes can be tempted towards egotism or even narcissism, it never lasts since his deeper nature is to be selfless and self-sacrificing for the greater good. He might be caught up in the situation, but sooner or later he will come to his senses; he has good, down-to-earth sensibilities.


James Bartholomew Olsen was born to Jake and Sarah Olsen in Yonkers, New York. His father was declared missing in action in southeast Asia before Jimmy was even born, leaving his mother to fend for herself; she ran a newsstand, and in his early years, he would get up early and collect stories about Metropolis from the paper for his scrapbook.

A bright child, Jimmy soon distinguished himself and sometimes cut class to attend lectures of higher education. He remarkably got a job as an intern at the Daily Planet while still attending junior high school and, upon his graduation, became a primary photographer, though his position in journalism remained "cub reporter".