Jethro Rainsong

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Full Name:
Jethro Rainsong
Self-proclaimed Delights Custodian
Quote-open.png This should be interesting. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Whimsical Fae who's taken residence in the Castle of Delights as its self-proclaimed caretaker as an excuse to be close to mortals and observe how they fare without interference from...well, himself. A navigated Traveler, he's enamoured with people of all kinds and sorts.


Untiringly curious and dangerously whimsical, Jethro is a constant, wild flux of passions that rise and fall at the drop of a hat. His morals are quite outside of the understanding of mortals, and most of his actions tend to appear erratic. He often takes on pet projects of varying degrees of complexity and grandeur, and is known to abandon them with as much enthusiasm. He has a caring and even inspiring streak that can border on manipulation, for he still has a natural inclination to set things in motion, rather than observing them unfold.


Jethro's most surprising aspect is that he was born a human, to human parents. The circumstances around his change into Fae during his teenage years are unclear, and he's never shared the story with anyone. It's clear however that he's no Changeling, but was made full Fae by perhaps magic itself, although one can only wonder what lead him to such an opportunity, and what the cost of the deal was. However it actually went, he caught the opportunity and paid the price, and found himself in a neverending, maddening dance of worlds and peoples, and new instincts and passions and desires that not only he hadn't taken into account when he'd taken that opportunity, but that were indeed utterly beyond what he could've ever grasped as a human. It took him time, and much pain to learn to deal with his own nature, and while his whole personality had been shaken by his experiences he never ceased to look at humans with pride and longing beyond his years. As he found his place in the Autumn Court and started mastering the arts of Traveling, he also accepted his duties and his role in the grand scheme of nature that was now in every fiber of his being. As it often happened, he fell in love with a great, romantic idea, this time made manifest in the Castle of Delights. Which he started exploring and interacting with on a deep level until he appointed himself as the Castle's caretaker, declaring to be its friend and offering his talents to those who would ask for them.