Jedrek Hagan

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Full Name:
Jedrek Alexander Hagan
LCDR. Hagan
GEAS Command Lt Commander.png
Young Adult
OC (None)
GEAS Command Officer on the rise. Ambitious, cocky, good at his job. From an old but small human(ish) colony.


Wry, bold and audacious, confident to the point of cockiness, but always giving and respecting professional courtesy. A good friend to have, if you can stand the fact that he's a bit of an arrogant ass at times.


Jedrek Hagan is a human variant from an early Old Earth colony on a planet named Achilles IV. The Achillean people are, and always have been, a mono-sexual culture. From the first days of the colony, only men have lived on Achilles IV. Through a complex process of genetic blending, the original four thousand colonists produced a society that in time grew to a number in excess of ten million these days, largely centered around the capital city of New Thebes. Every boy born on Achilles is the blend of two or more fathers' DNA and RNA, gestated in artificial wombs and engineered in utero to be strong, healthy and carry the memories of their genetic contributors, back to the founding of the colony. This gives them an extremely strong sense of community and culture and a pride in their way of life that others find to be arrogant. (And it is, to be honest.)

        Most Achillean men stay close to home, following their passions on a planet that is post-scarcity and that values arts and sciences equally. Jed, on the other hand, was born with one eye on the stars, according to his fathers. Despite their wishes (and with some hard feelings that the family is dealing with unto to this day), Jed applied for and was accepted by the Space Academy (not that he had any doubts, obviously) and he has been working his way up the ranks of the Fleet ever since, hoping to become the first of his people to command a vessel someday.