Jason Todd

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Several characters have been known to use the codename "Robin." You can check the Robin disambiguation page for more information.


Full Name:
Jason Peter Todd
Teen Wonder
Quote-open.png Wonder-Boy makes me sound like BREAD, but how 'bout Flying Ace? Bluejay? Cardinal? Batman and Eagle? Batman and Domino? Kid Dynamite? Masked Avenger?" ...TONTO? Quote-close.png
— Himself
The son of circus acrobats, much like Dick Grayson, Jason Todd's life was changed when Killer Croc killed his parents. Stealing a costume and sneaking along with Batman to confront Croc, Jason earned his place in the bat-family and was later adopted by Bruce. Now as the second Robin, Jay serves as part of the bat-family. A bit more impetuous than Dick, he still does his best to honor the mantle and earn his place on the team.


Jason is that certain combination of traits that makes for a reasonably well-balanced hero. He's a bit rebellious and impetuous, but he's also good-hearted and loyal, which means that while he's willing to challenge assumptions and authority, he's also willing to cooperate and do his part for the team. Tragedy has made him fun-loving and eager to enjoy life, and he loves crime-fighting and being one of Batman's sidekicks. Sometimes mischievous, always ready to fight the good fight, Jay may be one of Gotham's more surprisingly well-balanced protectors.


Jason Peter Todd was born the son of circus acrobats Joe and Trina Todd. When his parents attempted to assist Batman with a case, they were targeted and murdered by the criminal known as Killer Croc, and this led to Bruce Wayne adopting the boy. Jason would steal a Robin costume and sneak out to help Batman on a difficult case, earning him the support of Dick Grayson, who helped convince the Caped Crusader to take on a second Robin. This helps ensure that, no matter what happens, Batman always has at least one Robin he can count on, and the famous "Dynamic Duo" actually has more backup than most criminals would ever expect.