Jason Lee Scott

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Full Name:
Jason Lee Scott
Red Ranger
Leader and 1st recruit of the Power Rangers
Young Adult
Given the abilities of the Red Ranger by the Red Power Crystal, Jason now is beginning to understand what his role in this world is. Along with the new abilities he has, come a heavy burden of responsibility, but the feeling that he is not the only one tasked with such duties weighs heavily on him. This is why he has decided to seek out other selected individuals who have been selected by Power Crystals on the planet to form earths defense against evil. The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.


A natural born leader, Jason is always ready to jump into action, but strufggles with having the full confidence of an experienced leader, and as such can sometimes come across as arrogant about his own skills. He understands the broader points of leadership, but with time will have to learn to fine tune those mechanics in dealing with others.


It was almost overnight, one day he was a normal guy, and then the next he was bestowed the Red power crystal, and the gifts of a Ranger. A ranger, now dutied with protecting the earth from any threat that violates the peace currently kept. As the Red Ranger, he has the feeling that he cannot possibly be the only one to protect the whole world, and is keeping an eye out for any of those around him that might exhibit the special abilities he has come to claim as one of the Protectors of the Earth, a Mighty Morphing Power Ranger.