James Howlett

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Full Name:
James Howlett
Bad Ass
"Ain't No Grave" by Johnny Cash
An unkillable feral supersoldier with unbreakable bones and claws, Wolverine has cut a swathe through the world for over a hundred years. Member of the X-men, occasional spy and mercenary, he's focusing on mentoring the next generation in between ass-kickings.


Logan's gruff on the surface, the typical crotchety old man. He's extremely masculine and tough. He doesn't have time for quitters or sadsacks. But he does have a soft spot for mentoring and guiding young mutants, taking them under his wing, bonding with them. He considers himself a failed samurai, a master warrior without the discipline and self-control to fight with honor. He has to content himself a ronin, a wandering fighter, without master, trying to serve the cause of right as best he can but knowing his own hyperviolent, aggressive nature will sometimes make a mess out of things.


Logan was born in the western wilds of Canada sometime in the early 19th century. Whatever the traumas of his early life, he emerges as a woodsman, a lumberjack and an adventurer. Seeking riches and excitement, he joined several different armies, his unique abilities and gifts letting him excel as a soldier. By WWII, he was recruited to join in the earliest forms of espionage agencies, having longevity and deadly skills suited to the task.

For decades after the war, he went to the East, setting up shop in Japan and Madripoor at different points, living another life. Eventually, he was captured by Canadian intelligence and subjected to the Weapon X experiments, coating his skeleton and claws with adamantium, shattering his memories and leaving him lost. He was found by Charles Xavier, who brought this Wolverine into his X-men, where Logan has remained ever since.