James Allen

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Full Name:
James Edward Allen
Free-flying Superhero
Young Adult
OC (None)
Quote-open.png A great wind is blowing, prepare for a headache. Quote-close.png
— Zephyr paraphrasing Catherine the Great
Any reputation associated with the hero Zephyr refers to the previous holder of the name. James is new to the superhero life.


James is headstrong and cocky. If he wasn't so busy trying to be good, he could easily go bad. His determination to fulfill his cousin's dream of being a hero is the only thing that makes him one. When not wearing the costume of his alter ego, James revels in his bad boy image. A man of many vices, there are few who would think him the type who could do anything considered heroic.

James is nonetheless a nice person. He makes friends easily, even if he keeps them from getting too close. His commitment issues don't keep from being a popular person and may even make him more outgoing and friendly.


James is not the first to be possessed by the entity called Zephyrus. His cousin, with whom he had a close relationship, ended his own life, rather than share his body with the entity. James held his cousin in his final moments, and during his distraught state, the entity jumped to James.

Before being possessed, James was a personal trainer and taught self-defense classes. Besides possessing an eidetic memory, he lived a life similar to any other, average person. He attended college and majored in physical education, as well as taking a few art classes. He rarely dated, preferring casual encounters, and his only real relationship was with his cousin who he thought of as a little brother. His strong will comes from wanting to be the hero that his cousin always wanted to be.