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Full Name:
Inuyasha Inu-Yasha
Demon Exorcist
Quote-open.png Humans are more arrogant and greedy than any other living creature, and I'm part human too, which why I refuse to give up! On top of that, when a human has someone he's gotta protect, his power grows exponentially. I have what it takes to destroy you. All thanks to my human mother! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Inuyasha comes from Feudal Japan, a half-youkai born from a mortal human woman and a great dog youkai father. He had a mission to be the strongest youkai in all of Japan and even surpassing his father. Inuyasha may look tough, but he has a gentle and compassionate side that he never knew he had, which came from his human mother. As a particular side effect of his specific parentage, he also has a weak side: he becomes his human self during the night of the new moon. He also has a full youkai side, which can surface when he is on the brink of dying. One might hope he never changes into that.


While he was back at home, Kagome had taught him how to laugh, love, and how to make friends. He also learned how to be compassionate by Kikyo, as she was his first love. He has a heart of gold, but its just hard to see it under that tough exterior.


Inuyasha came from the feudal era of Japan, more than 500 years ago. Inuyasha was born from a human mother and a youkai father. Inuyasha's father died trying to save Inuyasha and his mother from a fire that was started by humans that disliked youkai. Inuyasha and his mother were able to escape because of his sacrifice. Spending time with his mother, Inuyasha would listen and watch her make medicines from time to time, and Inuyasha would take note of it for future reference. Thus Inuyasha was living a double life, a life of human and youkai; however, not everyone liked the other, and so he was alone in the world, only having his mother until she passed away. Thus he had to live and survive on his own.

Inuyasha had to make a place for himself. And so he decided to learn things on his own, how to fight and combat because there wasn't anyone that was going to teach him how to do it. At times he resented humans because of how he was treated. He had finally made a pact to get stronger as soon as he heard about a jewel, the jewel of four souls, the tool to everything. He ended up at a village, falling in love with the priestess that was there, which actually helped him to become more compassionate towards humans, until he thought he was betrayed, but it was just another youkai that manipulated him and the priest on the chance of getting the jewel of four souls. So the priestess, Kikyo, wounded by a disguised Naraku but thinking it was Inuyasha who had done it, pinned Inuyasha to a tree with her sacred arrows, just as he obtained the jewel. She died, and he was left mystically pinned to the tree, kept in a state of suspended animation by the arrows. Kikyo was buried with the jewel, and it would one day resurface in the possession of her reincarnated self, a schoolgirl named Kagome.

Fast forward 500 years to modern Japan in 1996, and Kagome stumbled upon the magical Bone Eater's Well inside her shrine, and she ended up traveling back through time and spotted Inuyasha, still pinned to the tree from fifty years earlier. She pulled the arrow from him when they were attacked by a centipede youkai, thus awakening him and setting him free. Lo and behold he discovered that Kagome had the jewel, so Inuyasha went after her. The new priestess of the village, however, decided that he needed to kept under control, so she placed placed beads of subjugation around his neck and told Kagome to shout a word that came to mind. When she looked at Inuyasha's ears, she said "Sit, boy!" and thus triggered Inuyasha to fall face first onto the floor.

Eventually the jewel fell into the hands of a youkai crow and Kagome stupidly shot an arrow at it, which broke the jewel into thousands of pieces. From then, Inuyasha and Kagome went on a long journey to gather up the shards of the jewel, and along the way they met friends as well as foes. However, in the midst of this, Inuyasha was able to retrieve his father's sword, due to his brother. He also learned how to properly use the Tessaiga, and eventually the Tessaiga become truly his. Eventually Naraku was defeated, and almost everything turned normal again, except Inuyasha had disappeared and ended up in a strange place.