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Inki is a one-tailed kitsune, formerly of the Spring Court, now Courtless and wandering.


Inki is usually a fox kit at heart -- playful, endlessly curious, quick to anger but equally quick to forgive, basically friendly and trusting. He comes off as a lot less experienced and competent than he actually is. He becomes depressed when he thinks too much about how he screwed up his life in the Court, and can become defensive when challenged about it.


Inki used to be a five-tailed kitsune, one of the zenko who worked in the service of the god Inari in the Spring Court.

Some time ago -- a week? A century? He's not really sure, mortal time is strange for the Fae -- he was given an assignment to serve as Inari's messenger to a mortal woman who had caught his eye, that he wished to make his consort for a time. But the lass caught Inki's eye as well, and instead of delivering his Lord's proposition he made her one of his own.

Inari was furious. This wasn't the first time Inki had been insubordinate where mortal women were concerned, and he'd had enough. He raised a stink, and Inki was banished from the Seelie Courts, stripped of his titles and his status and most of his power, bound by _geas_ not to further molest mortal women, his _hoshi no tama_ kept between Inari's hands. Without Inari's protection or most of his own magic, he was a nogitsune, subject to mortal magics and even to physical assault. The Faerie courtiers, so deferential to him when his star was rising, now mocked him endlessly, calling him "kon kon" -- the cry of a bestial fox, suggesting he was no better than they.

Although he can still travel into and out of the Fae realms, he is welcome in neither the Seelie nor Unseelie Courts. He has some magic, still, but nothing compared to his former power. He is resentful of how he was treated, and dreams of regaining his former rank. This is possible but requires him to perform acts of true nobility and self-sacrifice in Inari's eyes, which... will take some doing.

In the meantime he is mostly traveling around the mortal realms in order to stay out of Faerie, which reminds him too much of what he's lost.