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Full Name:
Rogue Cybersurgeon
"Inside of Me" - 3 Doors Down
Quote-open.png Resistance is mandatory. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Violating his people's low-tech traditions, a revolutionary without a revolution tried to fight back alone against a cybernetic species of biological and technological scavengers. After failing, he decided to fight fire with fire and had himself implanted with their own technology. Now, many years later, he has put aside his vendetta to live in the spaceways and maybe do some actual good as he goes.


Gruff: At first glance, Icheb might come across as a grizzled man who has no patience for anything.

Blunt and Curt: Icheb's people have little use for beating around the bush. Icheb tends toward the blunt truth when he speaks and gets right to the point.

Softy: Despite his outward persona, Icheb has a soft spot in his heart for the downtrodden, those in need, and the sick. One might expect the blunt man to be callous also, but this isn't at all the case.

Curious: Icheb has an enduring curiosity, which is largely responsible for his need to leave his low-tech people behind and pulling him forward in life.

Loyal: Icheb is one of the most loyal people alive. To anyone who can manage not to betray his trust.

Rebellious: Icheb does not particularly like being told what to do. He's not stupid enough to rebel for rebellion's sake, though.


Icheb had a fairly normal life on Brunal as the son of a farmer. It was clear though that the boy was brighter than his peers. Perhaps being a bit too intelligent for his own good as he was too curious about the old forbidden technology and the technology of the raiders that left his people living an overtly lowtech lifestyle. As a teenager he had the hubris to start a revolution with literally no support and for his efforts he was placed in stasis, genetically modified, and sent into space to be collected by the raiders and assimilated into their cybernetic hive mind.

The genetic modifications utilized his own body to spread an infection to the rest of the ship and the hive mind disconnected from the ship and set it to self destruct. However, the damage done by those disconnected from the hive mind prevented the ship from actially initiating the destruct. Icheb, now also broken from the hive mind, asserted himself and his species near genetic perfection allowed his body to adapt to the implants on his own. He escaped in a shuttle, left his homeworld and people behind, and followed his interest in his implants to apprentice to a cybersurgeon.

Learning both how to install and maintain implants and how to design them, Icheb became a skilled cybersurgeon and cyberneticist in his own right. Though distrust of formal organizations led him to stick to the fringes, underbellies, mercenary ships, and other out of the way places he can work with minimal oversight, who knows where fate will ultimately lead him?