Ian Omega

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Full Name:
Ian Omega
The "Emerald Wizard"
Computer Wizard
Young Adult
OC (None)
"You Gotta Be" by Des'ree
Ian is a friendly young man with a skillset focused entirely on tech and computers. Most would never imagine he's the infamous "Emerald Wizard" on the Hypernet, bane of many governments and corporations seeking to keep things from the general public. Along with his trusty AI Dyna, which he brought to "life" himself, he makes his way through the universe. He doesn't have any particular place to call home and seems to be quite fine with that. What adventures are in store for him? Stay tuned to find out!


Ian's personality is divided into two very different modes: on the 'net and off the 'net.

When surfing the Hypernet, he operates under his alias, the "Emerald Wizard," and exhibits a certain cockiness that has earned him more enemies than it has friends. He's good at maneuvering the digital world and he knows it, so his confidence is ten times what it would otherwise be. Sure, he's still nice... but like most people operating behind the safety of a screen, he does possess a bit of an invincibility complex.

In the real world, Ian is a much more humble individual. He's amicable, outgoing, quick to help and an all-around "nice guy" as many people like to classify him. Although he is still sure of himself when it comes to his capability with techhnology and computer systems, he doesn't exhibit the same degree of arrogance that he does when online.


Ian was raised in a one-parent household as his mother died when he was born. She knew going into the pregnancy that there was a chance she would not survive it due to her frail health, but she nevertheless went to full term and gave birth to her son before passing. Unfortunately, the entire ordeal pushed her husband over the edge. Ian's father was a maniac. Not in the psychotic sense of the word, more the mad scientist variety. The only good thing Ian ever got from his father (his looks came from his mother) was his aptitide with technology. When Ian was younger, he was practically terrified of his father. There was no predicting what the man would do next. Nothing was out of bounds - not even experimenting on other people. Unfortunately for Ian, this included him.

Though nothing horrible happened to him at the hands of his father, he was the unwilling guinea pig in one of the last experiments the man ever conducted. As a result of his father's fascination with alien technology he didn't quite understand, Ian was given a very permanent "gift" - the device on his left wrist that he can never remove. Ian's father joined his mother and passed on when the boy was barely a teen. However, once his father was gone, Ian manipulated the family's official records to make it seem like he still had a legal guardian. At the same time, he changed his surname from that of his father to Omega (yeah, well, what better name would you have come up with at twelve?), which he liked much better. Being "raised" by his mother's nonexistant older brother, Ian did just fine all on his own.

Growing from an adolescent into a young adult, Ian found he shared his father's fascination with technology. Determined to be a different kind of man, he avoided the kind of experiments his father conducted and focused on exploring the Hypernet instead. He was already adept at navigating it from using it as a frequent escape from his life when he was growing up. He explored every nook and cranny of the 'net, even the ones he really shouldn't have, under the alias of the "Emerald Wizard." After a few years of this, he decided to attempt to finish one of the projects his father had been working on. Taking a different approach than his dear old dad, Ian investigated ways to create artifical intelligence without attempting to actually extract that intelligence from another human being. Yeah, that's the kind of twisted thing his father had been working on towards the end of his life.

Through his resourcefulness and perseverence, Ian did finally manage to succeed where his father had failed and create a rather amazing AI. Dubbing her Dyna, the only problem was where to keep her. To that end, he decided to take a risk and tinker with the device on his wrist that he'd largely ignored until that moment. It was a peculiar gizmo indeed, having somehow expanded as his arm grew along with the rest of him. It took less time than he thought it would, but he was eventually able to unlock a portion of the device's potential and use that to house Dyna.