Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it. |
— Himself |
Ian Hayden was an Irish warrior blessed/cursed by the Fae. He is the champion of the Wee Folk and much of his power comes from their magics. With the advancement of civilization and the destruction of more pristine areas, some of the fae have retreated, and he is not near as powerful as he used to be. He uses a hand-axe and shield in combat. He has had years of practice with them and is very skilled in hand to hand combat.
A happy-go-lucky bloke, he is often found at his pub enjoying a pint and listening to live Celtic music. He loves a good joke, good music, good food, good sex and a good life.
Ian Hayden was a blacksmith and weaponsmith. He made items out of cold iron that hurt many of the Fae and little people. As a result, they cursed him with immortality and made him their champion. He has trained as a Celtic warrior and is a now a champion of the Little People and draws much of his magic and skills from them as well as his agelessness. He has adapted with the times, though, and now owns an Irish pub under his real name, Ian Hayden.
ACROBATICS - Competent: Has practiced combat for centuries. He has mastered tumbling, diving, repositioning and keeping his balance in strange circumstances
ATHLETICS - Expert: Loves playing sports of all kinds. Currently involved in running and swimming.
CLOSE COMBAT - Expert: Skilled in the use of hand-axe and shield, he is an expert combatant. He likes to brawl, wrestle, and get up and personal.
DECEPTION - Novice: While his ties with the Fey do not allow him to lie, he will pixie every sentence. He is very particular with his wording.
INSIGHT - Competent: The fey do not lie, but they do not always tell the truth either. Barbearian has a great insight into people's body language, his gut feelings, and empathy in his interaction with others.
INTIMIDATION - Competent: Barbearian is physically imposing and he has learned to use his size to threaten others for information.
PERCEPTION - Competent: Barbearian has a keen sense of observation and picks up on details the casual observer would miss.
PERSUASIAN - Expert: Barbearian has the gift of Blarney. His good looks and charming nature allows him to make friends easily. He is good at communication and able to get his point across, as well as acting in a diplomatic position.
PERSUASION - Expert: Barbearian has the gift of Blarney. His good looks, charming nature allows him to make friends easily. He is good at communications and able to get his point across as well as acting in a diplomatic position.
DUPLICATION: Basic-level Power - May produce a single duplicate image of himself that acts as his minion.
FAERIE GATE: Basic-level Power - Barbearian uses faerie gates and the "between" places to travel back and forth. He can take a willing person with him, but he limited to only one at a time. He can use this to help evacuate buildings, get back and forth quickly to his fairy sithin, and travel large distances.
FAERIE SIGHT: Basic-level Power - Barbearian has tricolored fairy eyes. They are three different shades of green with golden flecks in them. When he uses some of his powers, they glow with power and cast the room in various shades of green. They can also see in the dark and pick out small, fine details with crystal clarity.
GROWTH: Basic-level Power - May alter his size, growing slightly larger in strength and stamina.
PLANT CONTROL: Enhanced-level Power - Tied to the land and the Fae, Barbearian can effect the plants about him, causing them to grow and entangle others in a snare. He also can help plants to grow and produce more fruit/vegetables/flowers.
STRENGTH: Supreme-level Power - Barbearian is far stronger than mere mortals, having had his strength enchanced by the Fae.
LUCK Barbearian is naturally lucky, gifted by the Fae. He is apt to find money on the ground, he may buy a winning lottery ticket, or random strangers might give him information that breaks a case.
RESOURCES Ian owns and operates an Irish pub and makes money from it. He also has been around for centuries and, through careful money investment and growth, has a steady supply of income. He is not Batman or Iron Man level of wealthy, but he is comfortable.
COLD IRON Fae of the kind who gifted Barbearian are weak to cold iron and take more damage from items made of cold-iron. Thus, he is similarly especially vulnerable to this substance.
TIED TO THE LAND Barbearian is tied to the land. As long as he is touching the ground or grounded, his powers are more powerful. If he is levitated, flying, or not in touch with the land, his powers are decreased.