Harry Osborn

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Full Name:
Harold Theopolis Osborn
With the world at his feet and a chip on his shoulder, Harry Osborn is a designer-minted whirlwind in the shape of a young man. When the mood strikes, he can be just as entitled as his family name suggests, but trying to step out of his father's shadow isn't an easy feat... even for a boy of his potential.


Harry is a contradiction. Every bit the snob people expect at times, he's just as liable to be charming or polite depending on his mood or what he needs. He's a good time who knows just how to get people's guard down - a keen negotiator with an eye for business and details - a young man shaping up to be a powerhouse. In truth, beyond the facade of his proper upbringing and wealth, Harry is a young man desperate for approval and equally desperate not to acknowledge or give in to that craving. He fights his own insecurity with pills and drinks and distractions, and all that before the muddling influence of his serum.


Harold Osborn came into the world with a silver spoon in his mouth, with a world of possibilities ahead of him. Born to wealthy industrialist Norman Osborn, he didn't want for anything - but his father's love and approval. When he was still a toddler, his mother grew ill and passed away, and it was clear that Norman placed the blame for her decline on his son's young shoulders. Their strained relationship defined Harry's youth. Despite his tireless attempts to earn his father's praise and recognition, that emnity formed something sour instead.

Turning to narcotics and cheap thrills as he got older, Harry began to chase any impulse that would make him feel complete even as he excelled academically. Though the world saw him as just another Upper East Side asshole, he managed to make a handful of true friends, among them a young Peter Parker. As young man desperate for affirmation, Peter was the answer to many of Harry's needs, a genuine comfort amid a chaotic and often confusing world.

Despite his tenuous grip on normalcy, things seemed more or less in order for the young Osborn - but his father would find a way to take even that from him. His experiments led to the Goblin serum and the emergence of the Green Goblin, and despite the fact that Harry was essentially estranged from his father, he still carried the shame of the revelations that would follow Norman's unmasking. His fears were validated, and the family name dragged through the mud, but somehow they managed to carry on.

Following unwittingly in his father's footsteps, Harry found a sample of Norman's serum and began to run his own experiments on it in secret. Determined to understand just how far his disturbed father had fallen, he began to catalog his own discoveries, making 'improvements' as he went along. The further he delved into the serum itself, the more he became convinced that correcting it would be that final victory: that by solving the instability of the formula, Harry would at last accomplish something even Norman would be forced to acknowledge with pride. Fatefully, Harry took the plunge and injected himself with his own version of the serum... and everything is... fine. Just fine.

Heir to Oscorp, genius in his own right, and newly enhanced... Harry has begun to examine his life. Most of all, what to do with the new high he finds in embracing his darkest impulses, as his paranoid delusions begin to grow bolder, and his control of the serum and the Hobgoblin within begins to slip. Maybe he's not so different from his father after all, and that thought keeps him up at night more than any other.