Hank McCoy

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Full Name:
Henry "Hank" McCoy
The Beast
Scientist, Superhero, Teacher.
Quote-open.png Oh my stars and garters. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Dr. Hank McCoy, better known to most as Beast, is a somewhat well-known member of the X-Men. A blue-furred feral mutant, he's somewhat well known for his peculiar X-Speedo costume.


Hank McCoy. The Beast. One of the founding members of the original X-Men. Since he was born X-Gene active he's probably the most well-adjusted mutant in regard to mastering his powers and not being overly angsty about being a big blue furry beast. He's brilliant but not stuffy, and he tends to express his ideas in simpler ways so he's not having to explain things over and over again. This comes in quite handy whether he's dealing with team members or students. He's a scientist and scholar but also has a charming sense of humor. He's also a tiny bit immature in ways, thanks to his close friendship with Iceman.


Accessing Cerebro - Subject: Hank McCoy - Codename: Beast

Professor Xavier: "Blessed with Superhuman strength that is matched only by his brilliant scientific mind. He is the voice of calming reason in this chaotic world. He is the brains and brawn of this team."

Henry Phillip McCoy was born X-Gene active to parents Norton and Edna McCoy of Dunfee, Illinois. This early manifestation is likely due to genetic damage inherited from his father who was exposed to radiation while employed at the local nuclear power plant. Hank learned from an early age to conceal his bizarre prehensile feet, which led to him developing serious body image and self-esteem issues. In addition to his physical mutation, Hank was gifted with an astounding intellect.

A chance meeting after High School with Professor Charles Xavier had Hank choosing to accept an offer to continue his studies at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. It was here that Hank first met other mutant youngsters for the first time and started on the path of fighting for mutant rights. As "Beast", Hank became a founding member of the X-Men. While he formed strong bonds of friendship with the other X-Men, Hank still had a strong desire to better understand what caused mutation.

While Hank embraced Xavier's Dream, a part of him wanted to do more for the cause than just fight for mutant rights with his physical abilities. So eventually Hank took a leave from the X-Men and continued his scientific studies. After earning several degrees, Hank found himself working for Brand Pharmaceuticals. It was here during his off time where Hank's research led to him discovering the chemical foundation for what caused mutation. This discovery would change his life forever.

An attempt at industrial espionage to steal his work led to Hank making what in hindsight could be considered a foolish choice. Without his X-Men costume to conceal his identity, Hank chose to drink his formula and caused a massive change to his physical form. Unfortunately, after preventing the theft, Hank would discover he was unable to revert the changes and return to what now he'd consider "normal". So Hank returned to the X-Men to continue the fight, as well as help teach the next generation of mutants.