Geralt of Rivia

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Full Name:
Geralt of Rivia
Witcher, White Wolf
Quote-open.png People like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Geralt is a witcher, born in the Kingdom of Lyne and given over by his mother, Visenna, to undergo the training at Kaer Morhen -- the stronghold of the witchers. He was the recipient of many experimental mutations, leaving him with superhuman abilities and a loss of all pigment in his skin and hair. After rescuing and adopting Ciri, the Lady of Time and Space, he has been traveling the Kingdom, fighting some of the most dangerous monsters in the lands.


Geralt of Rivia usually comes off as a taciturn, cunning mercenary. He has not had many close friends, as his travels and line of work make it hard to stay in one place for very long. He is prone to enjoying the company of humans and has no particular preference for males or females, enjoying both equally. He does few favors and travels throughout Arcadia and other worlds in search of coin. That is not to say he is without compassion, and even has his introspective moments, struggling with his place in a world with more and more heroes to fight the monsters. He also has had to handle discrimination due to his appearance and reputation, from curious looks to outright hostile bigotry. Some might consider him a pacifist as violence is never his first option, even if it would endanger his own life and limb. However, when innocents are under threat, he is not to be trifled with. Do not expect him to choose sides in an equally matched confrontation, for he knows well that his intervention would only cause more suffering. When he does have the occasion to drink, he becomes quite vocal and boisterous to the point of obnoxiousness to many.


Shortly after being born, Geralt's mother, Visenna, gave him away to undergo training and, eventually, become a witcher at Kaer Morhen - the stronghold of the witchers. Geralt survived mutations during the Trial of the Grasses, thanks to which he gained various witcher traits: high resistance to injury, poison and disease, slowed ageing, but also infertility. He resisted the "changes" brought on by the Trial of Grasses better than most, which encouraged his makers to perform even more dangerous experimental procedures on him, making him lose all body pigmentation.

After completing his witcher training, he received his Wolf medallion (the symbol of Kaer Morhen) and embarked into the world on his horse he called Plotka ("Roach") to become a monster slayer for hire. He knew that the Kingdom of Lyne would be a great place to start. Along the way, he rescued the young princess Ciri from invading armies after her parents Duny and Pavetta were killed. The child turned out to exhibit magical powers of her own, and as she grew up, Geralt ensured she was trained as a Witcher, even though women were not taken. After her powers grew, Geralt introduced her to Yenefer for sorceress training, and the two have been training for a while. Geralt had come to care for Ciri as a daughter over the years.

Geralt has since continued his mercenary for hire services across the Kingdom and nearby areas. He still sees Ciri and Yenefer at times, particularly when some 'great cataclysmic event' is about to happen. However, he has mostly stayed on his own, fighting and the celebrating victories with his earnings.